Monday, May 30, 2011

State doles out $250M in education stimulus money - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
That includes general operations funds forthe 2009-190 school year, funds for special education programs and programs that served disadvantaged children, grants for school lunch equipmentg and funds for homeless students. The funding includez $164.7 million in stabilization money that has been includedx in the public school funding formula forthe 2009-10 schoo year. School districts can use the money for reguladroperating expenses. It will be available July 1, pendingy approval by the U.S. Department of Education. Abour $47.2 million will go toward projects undetr the Individuals with DisabilitiesEducation Act.
This represents abouyt half of the specialo education stimulus funds schools are expected to receivein 2009. Schoola can use this money to hire additional supportg staff andparent liaisons, do training and professionalk development for special education teachers and hire job coachea to work with high school students with special needs so they can enterd the work force. The funds are available now. About $38.7 milliobn is in Title I fundz fordisadvantaged students. That’s abour half of the Titl e I funds schools are likely to receivsin 2009.
The money can be used for expanding after-schooo programs, hiring additional staff and professiona l development for teachers and principalws working in schools with highpoverty rates. That moneuy is also available now. All of that moneyg has been allocated througy existingfunding formulas. Other awards the state is disbursinvinclude $548,313 for grants under the Educatioh for the Homeless Fund to addresd the needs of homeless children. In the new fiscalk year, which starts in July, $383,313 will be awarded to 24 schook districts. Another $165,000 will be awarded through a competitivee grant processin August.
About $924,74e will go toward purchasing or renovating food service equipmenty as part of the National School Lunch That money has been awardedx to 31 districts and schools througu a competitivegrant process.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Northern Light Theatre shines on women - Edmonton Journal

Northern Light Theatre shines on women

Edmonton Journal

Natascha Girgis plays Mary; Lora Brovold plays Ann. The season finale, The Ecstatics, next February, is a comedy that Schmidt describes as "funny, really dark and extremely physical." Sisters Marguerite and Abigail are the only remaining survivors of a ...

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WellCare execs promoted - Nashville Business Journal:

cement siding
In his new role, O’Neillo will report directly toCharles Berg, executive chairman of WellCare, and will continure to lead the company’s efforts to resolve pendinfg investigations and litigation, a release said. WellCare (NYSE: WCG), a Tampa-base company that provides managed care services exclusivelyfor government-sponsorec health care programs, recently announced settlements with the Justicre Department and the , stemminh from a scheme to defraud the program and the As part of the settlemenf with the U.S. Attorney for the Middl Districtof Florida, WellCare agreed to a corporate compliancr and governance program.
O’Neillk will play a key role as thecompanyu “further strengthens its culture of compliance,” the releas e said. O’Neill will serve in his new position througb the end ofthe year, the release said. In a filingt with the SEC, WellCare said O’Neill’s amendecd employment agreement calls for him to continus to receive his currentf base salary of not lessthan $41,66 a month. He also could get a cash bonus of 50 percenr of his annual base salary if he achievees certainperformance goals. If he stayw on the job through the end ofthe he’s in line for an additional cash bonuas of at least $750,000, the filin said.
Financial terms of Susanin’s new positio n were not immediately disclosed. Before joining WellCare, O’Neilll was a partner at , general counsel for the , and an assistan U.S. attorney. Susanin previously was counsel to and then a partnerr in thelaw firm, and also an assistanft U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia and the eastern districtgof Pennsylvania.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cellino, Barnes donate $1M to UB - Business First of Louisville:

barn siding
Lisa Mueller, assistant dean for alumni and communications, said the gift matchese the largest single-donation in the history of the law the $1 million given in 2002 by Francix Letro, who graduated UB Law Schoop in 1979 and went on to found a successful personal injury In a release announcing the gift, University at Buffal o Law School Dean Makau Mutua called it “an extraordinary act of and “a wonderful down payment on our visionb of academic excellence and our bold aspirations for the Mutua said he plans to invest the gift in the calling them the central core of the law Specifically, he said the money will go towarfd scholarships, making improvements in pedagogical technologies in the school and upgradint services.
Steve Barnes, who foundex the law firm along with Ross said they felt they owed a debt of gratitude to the school where they gottheir start. “Botbh Ross and I are graduates of the law schoo land we’ve come to know many of the professorsw and administrators very he said. “Makau Mutua is just an outstanding individua and he has a vision thatwe haven’t seen at the schoolp yet.” Barnes said the decision to make the gift an unrestricted donationh reflects the confidence they have in the administratorsw at the University to utilize the money in the most effectivee ways possible.
“We are we didn’t feel as though we are in a positio to dictate how the money was he said. “We have a lot of confidence in Makau’s visionj and we have had long discussions abouft where he wants to take the school and we’re on the same page.” Recognizing the generosityh of Cellino and Barnes, the schooo has announced plans to name theirf main conference center, located in O’Briah Hall, The Cellino and Barnes Conference Center.
Asked what it feelds like to be in a position to giveaway $1 especially given the current economic Barnes put the gift into “Both Ross and I come from very humble beginnings and kind of worked our way up from the he said. “We startex out as just the twoof us, now, the practicd is a lucrative practice and I’m just glad we were able to help at a time that I thini is very critical to the law school.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Name of the firms makinh the Tampa Bay BusinesszJournal ’s annual list are shown beloww in alphabetical order. As part of the event sponsor Tampa accounting firm Kirkland RussMurphy & Tapp PA coordinateds the data submitted by candidate firms to create a safe haven for potentiall y proprietary numbers. Among the criteria to make the list is a annuakl revenue thresholdof $1 million or more sincee 2006 and consecutive annual growth since then. The ranking based on revenue growth for the pastthreed years, will be revealed at TBBJ’s annual Fast 50 luncheojn at the A La Carte Evenyt Pavilion in Tampa July 23. AgileThought Inc. • Alltrust Insurancs Inc.
• American Healthcare Holding s Inc. • AnazaoHealth Corp. and Affiliate • Celestar Corp. • Centrap Maintenance & Welding Inc. • Corporate Interiors Inc.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tea Party Puts Boehner on Notice: Shape Up or Ship Out - David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog (blog)

David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog (blog)

Tea Party Puts Boehner on Notice: Shape Up or Ship Out

David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog (blog)

Leftists still don't get the Tea Party, and neither does the Republican party establishment. Reuters recently reported on a private meeting which took place between several Tea Party activists and House Speaker John Boehner. ...

and more »

Monday, May 16, 2011

St. Louis' Top 150 Privately Held Companies: 51-75 - St. Louis Business Journal:
It’s the reality of today’s business landscape, not just in St. Louis, but arounr the globe. No matter the every company is feeling the effects of this And although business leaders are hopefuthat we’re near the bottom and that a recovery will beginb at some point this year, they’re not beint Pollyannas about it. I don’tg need to point out all the troubling statw and signs that leadto caution. Instead, I’ll mention a potential brighy spot for those seeking a reasonfor optimism. The housinb industry is often viewed as a leading indicato r for where the economyis heading. It’s one of the firsf sectors to slump, and one of the leaderd of the rebound.
If that’s the case this time, we can be encouragedr that the Commerce Department reporteda 22.2 percent jump in housint starts in February. Meanwhile, St. largest homebuilder, McBride & Son Homes, said it sold 300 home in the first two monthsd ofthe year, compared to 1,400 homesz total in 2008. I’d like to thank Businessz Journal researchers Evan Binnds andLucie Wolken, who did a commendabled job putting together this year’s list of the top 150 privately held As our researchers quickly found, it’ss much easier to get revenud information from private companies when business is going well rathet than when the economy is slumping.
in particular, spent countless hours seeking the most accurateand up-to-datse revenue and employee figures, and then double and triple-checked it all. This year’s list includexs nine newcomers and fewer pure a testament tothe researchers’ hard Rob Hurtt, Section editor 51. Fabick CAT 2008 revenue: $345.8 milliom - 1.2% Like others tied to the strugglinyconstruction industry, Fenton-based heavy equipment providee Fabick CAT saw revenude decline slightly last Fabick CAT sells and rents Caterpillar construction equipmenrt and also provides parts and servicse for them. The company is owneed by members of founder JohnFabick Sr.’s family.
Thered are nine Fabick CAT locations in Missouri and and four Fabick Rents locations in both Fabick Power Systems is locatedin Fenton, and is in Metropolis, Ill. The company’ss Jefferson City operations moved intoa new, 25,000-square-foot, $5.5 milliob facility last year. Leadership: Chairman Harry Fabick, President and CEO Doug Fabick Employees: 400 600 total 52. Watlow Electric Watlow wrapped up a recors yearwith $320 million in revenue, and Chairmanh and CEO Peter Desloge said the family-owned company is in a strong position. “Wre have no debt. We have a wonderfu balance sheet because we have prepared for this economicf recession for the last two Desloge said.
“We were very careful with our cash.” He said that whiled the markets Watlow serves were down by an averagew of 10 percentlast year, the electronics manufacturing company managed to maintain roughly flat revenuew due largely to strong growthn in the alternative energy and diesel emissions Desloge said the company’s investment focus remainx geared toward growth in Asia, wheres Watlow recently opened a manufacturing plant in Shanghai. He also said the company’sx new lean manufacturing approach helpec it produce record levels of profitability by boostingb efficiency and creating shorter productdeliveryh times.
Leadership: Chairman and CEO Petet Desloge, President Thomas LaMantia Employees: 600 local, 1,809 total 53. 2008 revenue: $319 million -20.6 % After a banner year in 2007, ARCO Constructiojn saw revenuedecline 20.6 percent to $319 “As we moved into some of the project sizes got said Chief Executive Jeff Cook. “And toward the end of the some of the folks put the brakea ontheir projects.” Between 10 percent and 15 percenft of all the projects ARCO was working on were either delayed or stopped completely in the last thre months of the year, Cook He expects revenue to remain flat in 2009. ARCO, whicu currently is located in leased space in theJos A.
Whited Building on Brentwood Boulevard, plans to builf its own headquarters two miles away in Rock Hill at an estimatesd cost ofbetween $10 million and $12 The company also plans to add three partners this increasing its ownership team to 19, including Cook and Chairma n Dick Arnoldy. Leadership: Chairman Dick CEO Jeff Cook, President Craig Bridell Employees: 102 273 total 57. 2008 $300 million +138.1% Brothers Jim and Mike Holten createdf Branding Iron Holdings in Augusty 2007 when they wanted to growtheid Sauget-based Holten Meat Inc. The holding company saw revenue soar 138 percent last year aftetr afull year’s worth of sales from theier added companies.
In addition to Holten Meats, which manufacture individually quick-frozen beef and pork Branding Iron owns thre other frozen meat companiesin Minnesota: , a quick-frozenn meat producer serving institutional food services; Rochester Steak, which cuts steaks to order; and , which marketd meat brands such as Black Branding Iron Chief Executive Scott Hudspeth said the holdinb company expects to post $315 million in 2009 “The growth isn’t huge,” Hudspeth “When commodities prices drop, so do and beef prices are coming down.” Chairman Jim Holten, President Mike Holten, CEO Scot t Hudspeth Employees: 250 650 total 58. 2008 $292.4 million - 0.
5 % Sachs Electric escaped mostly unscathed from what was a rough year forspecialty contractors. Comingv off a record 2007, the employee-owned electrica l contractor saw revenue slip half a percenyto $292.4 million. The company finished work on a $4 millionh project for , one of three buildings for Edwar d Jones anda $13 million planrt expansion for Continental Cement. Chairman, President and CEO Clayton Scharfrf said Sachs now is preparingy for an uncertain year with at least a 10 percenty to 15 percent declinein revenue. “This is the firsr time I have seen every industry impactedx at thesame time,” he said.
“We work in so many arease geographically andacross industries, and evert one has clamped In addition to staff and consultanr cutbacks in 2008, Scharff said the companyg is holding off on new Leadership: Chairman, President and CEO Clayton Scharfg Employees: 557 local, 772 total 59. Huntef Engineering Co. reported record revenue in but the slowdown in the auto industry put the brakesa onfurther growth. The Bridgeton-based company manufacturez a range of automotiverservice equipment, including wheel alignment systems, wheel brake lathes, tire changers, vehicle lifts and brakes testers. The firm is owner by Chairman and President Stephen Brauetr andhis family.
Hunter Engineering’s international customersz include Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Mercedes and the Volkswagen-Audik Group. Toyota’s global salex were down 5 percentlast year. At BMW, global salese dropped 24 percent last month compared to February and Mercedes’ sales were down 28 percent for the same Employees: 350 local, 1,450 total 60. 2008 revenue: $265 millioh -10.2% Elan-Polo Inc. is keeping its foot firmlgy inlicense agreements. The employee-owned shoe company plans to introduc a new line of active outdood shoes for men and women this saidBob Callahan, co-president of the company.
After hitting $295 million in revenue in the business had a 10 perceny drop in saleslast year, a slip that co-Presiden Thomas Williams attributed to a second-half slowdown tied to the slumpinfg economy. The company has U.S. offices in St. Louis and Nashville, as well as five othera aroundthe globe. The business has approximately 165 current and formefr employees participating in its employee stock ownership plan.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Safeguarding the Peace Corps -

Safeguarding the Peace Corps

But safety of the volunteers who perform that mission is, or ought to be, paramount. Only by showing substantial improvement, and the percolation of a new culture and mindset, can the Peace Corps rebuild its reputation, and safeguard itself.

and more »

Monday, May 9, 2011

Clear lanes to shut down at Hartsfield-Jackson - Charlotte Business Journal:
New York-based , the operator of registerer travelservice CLEAR, said the paid security lanex at its member airports would cease operationw because the company “ha been unable to negotiate an agreement with its senior creditotr to continue operations,” according to a statement posted on the company’s Web site, Last March, the companu said it had 20,000p registered travelers in metro Atlanta. As of last the company had morethan 200,000 CLEAR who paid up to $199 for an annual membership for accessx to designated security lanes at participating airporte nationwide.
Members provided biometric data, which was encodede on a card, for the promise of a speedie and convenient trip throughairportf security. The service targeted business travelers who routinelu travelby air. The company was founded by founderSteve Brill. CLEAR laneds opened at the airport about the same time as an expansioj of the main security lanes at Hartsfield-Jackson. The new additions includerd lanes designed specifically for experienced Airport officials have said the added lanes have kept security wait timesx below 10 minuteson average, which might have made CLEAR lanese less advantageous to consumers.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

US Airways CEO signals airline's possible departure - Washington Business Journal:
Speaking at a May 28 Greater WashingtojnInitiative conference, Siegel said the Arlington-basexd carrier ( ) is receivinhg overtures from other cities -- namel y Pittsburgh and Charlotte, N.C. -- that woule like to host its corporate offices. US Airways, which recentlyu emerged from Chapter 11, wants to add direct flights from to majort WestCoast cities, and to use larger jets on some of its flightsa from National. Also on Siegel's wish list: suppory for the company's plan to build a terminal at Nationap Airport. "We are trying to get put on a leveklplaying field," he says. [JOHN ... Tom Daschle is not in Aberdeenn anymore.
The senator from South Dakota who grew up in a workinv class household has tradefdhis seven-room row house in Wesley Heights for a 12-room, $1.9 million home in the same D.C. According to District tax records, the senator and his wife, lobbyisy Linda Hall Daschle, sold their four-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bathroom row hous April 30 for $742,000. They closexd on the purchase of theie newhome -- all six bedrooms and six and a half bathroomes of it -- the same day. The family, includinbg three children, went from one to four fireplaces. And whiled the 2,700-square-foot former row house is half the their new place was builttin 1950, 34 years earlier than the rowhouse.
Democrat the Senate minority leader, is in his third term and up for re-electio n next year. [Suzanne White] ... Usually when people move to a new they might introduce themselves to neighboras with a plate of When Pritzker Residential movedinto D.C.'e East End, the Chicago-based developer offered to lead a $100,0009 renovation of its new neighbor's building, a homelesz shelter. Pritzker recently topped out a 371-unit luxurt apartment building at Fourth Streetf and MassachusettsAvenue NW, and the developer, along with contractor Clark Realthy Builders, have offered financial support and staff resources to renovate the Gospel Rescue Mission on Fiftnh Street.
The Home Builders Care a community outreach program tied to the Maryland National Capital Building IndustryAssociation ( ), is managinfg the project, which will included new plumbing, lighting, mechanical systems, floors and "Being the new kid on the block, we want to pitchy in and help out the best we can," says Richard Boales, Pritzker's vice president of development. [Seamn Madigan] ... Another local boutique couldn'yt resist the urge to join a larget firm. The three-lawyer McLean law firm of Howell & Co., rooted in insurance and employment law, merges with Richmond-based Sands Anderson Marks & Millere ( ).
Sands Anderson, which has abourt 60 lawyers infive offices, was lookin g to expand its Virginia presenced northward beyond its Richmond, Radford and Fredericksburf offices. Jon Schraub and Danny Howell join Sands Andersonas partners, and Paige Levy joinds as of counsel. [TIM MAZZUCCA]

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

No justice for Phoebe Prince, no consequences for bullies - Boston Herald

No justice for Phoebe Prince, no consequences for bullies

Boston Herald

Here's the message District Attorney David Sullivan sent to bullies yesterday: You can taunt and harass and threaten and terrorize another human being even to death รข€" and get away with it. Under a plea deal arranged by Sullivan and ...

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Monday, May 2, 2011

SLSO, Stare and Hough triumph in Friday concert -

SLSO, Stare and Hough triumph in Friday concert

The second movement, Andante non troppo, brought extensive solo work for concertmaster David Halen and principal cello Daniel Lee. With Hough, they offered thoughtful, beautiful chamber music in the midst of a major orchestra work. ...