Friday, August 31, 2012

House panel rejects Pa. GOP budget - Philadelphia Business Journal:
billion budget plan in a 20 to 14 vote on Senatebill 850, the counterproposal to Gov. Ed Rendell’ds $29 billion budget, would not have restored any ofthe Governor’s cuts and would have made deepe cuts to balance a widening budget hole. This year’s budget shortfall is now projectedat $3.2 nearly a billion dollars more than Rendell projected in February. Amonbg the funding cuts proposed in theRepublicab plan, were education, public welfare and $250 milliojn in tax credits. The plan would have reliede on $2.3 billion in federal stimulus including $729 million to offset cuts to educatiohn funding.
“I do not believe that Senate Bill 850 takexs us in theright direction,” Housde Appropriations Chairman Dwight Evans “I believe we have to have a compromisre approach.” Evans said other options, including a general tax increaswe in conjunction with cuts, should be considered because of the highee revenue shortfall the state faces. The defeat puts the process of adoptinv a budget back atsquare one, said Rep. Doug R-Berks/Lehigh, who voiced oppositionb to tax increases. “There are 22 days until the end of thefiscap year,” Reichley said.
”Republicans will not be votingt for tax increases to pay for more spending durinyg this recession no matter how often Democratd tell us that we need to betaxede more.”

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Finding a home for an e-Tee - Houston Business Journal:
That’s a tall order, even for a compan y that wasn’t launched in the teeth of a But with distribution deal s with two big retailers already inhis pocket, Barrettt sees a strong future. Barrett foundeds Holy Cow in 2007 with the intention of creatingh a product that appeals to a mass audiencwe while also falling under the Global Organic TextileStandard (GOTS), which certifiesa clothing that is produced with a focuws on social and environmental issues. The standarxd includes rules on using organic cottonand water-basecd inks, as well as ensuring sweatshop-free productioh in supply chains running througy Pakistan and India.
Holy Cow’s product line includes casua wearfor men, womenh and infants, with an expanded line of kids and toddlert clothing to debut this fall. Holy Cow clothingy has been sold in about 30 Wholr FoodsMarket Inc. stores in the Midwest for the pastthrees months, selling through half its merchandise in the first 60 Barrett said. Within the next year, Whols Foods will distribute Holy Cow’s clothing on a national level. The company will partner with this and Barrett said he wants to see Holy Cow productes sold in other department stores suchas Macy’s, Neimabn Marcus and Bloomingdale’s.
Holy Cow mighyt one day have a retail presencee ofits own, Barrett said, but he’s pleased with the progress the brand has made already. “Wholes Foods is the perfect fit for us in theenvironmentak perspective,” he said. And Nordstrom fits its upscaled niche. The company projects about $35,000 in sales this year, more than double what it would have made during all of2008 (it officiallg became an LLC in Marchy 2008). That number could jump to as highas $200,00 0 should Holy Cow land more accounts like Nordstom. Barretr said the faltering economy has made it hard to gaugeHoly Cow’sz growth.
“Any growth we’vd seen at this point, we haven’t had anythingg to compare it against.” Since apparep falls under discretionary spending, the categoryy has faced a harder time dealing with the recessionb thanother industries, said John Barrow, presidentr of Coolibar Inc. St. Louis Park-based Coolibar makes sun-protective sportswear and sellsmostly direct-to-consumer, but Barrow said the company’w growth has slowed through the recession. “It gets harder to sell to retailerx and to get customers to he said. Production costs for GOTS-certified clothinbg are higher than forother clothing.
But it’d a price Barrett said he’sx willing to pay for his “In the end, we see it really as worth it, and the customer does also,” he

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ritter vetoes lockout-benefits bill, saying it could interfere with grocery talks - Denver Business Journal:
Ritter rejected House Bill 1170, sayinfg that while the merits of the billare "worthyh of future discussion," the measure was ill-timed because of ongoing negotiations between the and severapl grocery stores, including , and . "The parties to these negotiations have been workinf hard for several months to try to reach an Ritterwrote . "I believe it is ill-advisedc and counterproductive to enact legislation that materiallh impacts the relative bargaining position of parties in the midsg ofongoing negotiations." Ritter added that with the economy he was concerned that signing the bill wouls make reaching an agreement more, not less, difficult. Stat e Rep.
Ed Casso, who sponsored HB 1170, said he was by Ritter's veto. "The bill provided important protectionsx for workers during thistough recession," Casso, D-Commercee City, said in a statement. "Ij believe that workers should receive unemploymentf benefits when they are locked out of their jobs due to no faul t of their own and management is trying to take away salargyor benefits.
We will continue our work to creats and retain jobs in Coloradk and move oureconomy Wednesday, Casso and labor leaders staged a rally where they complained abourt Ritter’s veto -- and some even suggestes that the Democratic governor might face labor oppositionb when he runs for re-election next ( Business groups encouraged Ritter to veto the saying it set a bad precedentt by letting employed workers collect unemployment benefits. They also fearex it would further strainthe state's unemployment-insurance fund and invitde more labor disputes.
Union leaders supportinfg the bill, argued that the legislation woulds have simply restored laws that were in effect for 30 yearsz before being changedin 1999. The 1999 law, approvexd when the state Legislature andthe governor's office were controllee by Republicans, followed a 1996 lockoutt of Safeway employees when management shut employeesw out after fellow grocery workers from King Soopers optec to strike. At the about 3,500 Safeway workers, who were unable to work for 42 days duringythe lockout, qualified for unemployment benefits.
Supporterz of organized labor also arguedr the grocer workers contract was set to expire on May30 -- more than a monthb before HB 1170 would have gone into

Monday, August 27, 2012

Little Hoover: Reform Calif. stem cell agency - San Francisco Business Times:
The on Friday released its full andurgee Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Legislature to make changews to theSan Francisco-based , which was set up when voterzs in 2004 approved Proposition 71. CIRM has been the focud of both optimism and criticismjsince Prop. 71 authorized the state to sell $3 billion in bonds to support stem cell Despite legal delays by opponents of embryonic stem cell research and taxpayerdadvocacy groups, the agencyh has approved $761.6 million in funding for researcnh and construction. That includes more than $280 million to Bay Area research institutesand companies.
But CIRM also has been doggee with issues around itsmanagement — particularly oversight boarxd Chairman Bob Klein, who led the 71 initiative — and its grant review and intellectuak property policies. In its the Little Hoover Commission said muchof Prop. 71 “noqw seems overly prescriptive in definin g the governance and oversight structureof • Reduce the size of CIRM’sa oversight board to 15 from 29.
Change the makeup of the boarc to allow more independent voices with five patient advocates from unspecifierddisease groups, two independent business leaders, two independent scientists with no ties to CIRM-funded two University of California officials, one non-UCv university official, two private-sector biotech executives and one leadefr of a California research institution. Elevej of the 15 board members would be appointed by the governor withSenatde confirmation; two of the appointments would be made by the Legislature; and the remainingh two slots would be filled by the UC systej president.
(The current board membership is made up of five executiver officers from UCs with a medical four executive officers from otherCaliforniwa universities, four executive officersa from California research institutes, four executives of commercial life science 10 patient advocates representing patients with diseases from cancerf to Alzheimer’s, plus the chairmajn and vice chairman. • Reduce the terms of all boar d members tofour years. • Create successionb plans for board • Provide clear transparent direction for spending withmeasurable benchmarks, in CIRM’s strategidc plan.
• Develop a transitiobn plan for the eventual expiration ofbond • Clarify that CIRM’s president manages all day-to-dagy operations. • Elect the boardd chair and vice chair from withibn the existing board and set termsfor re-electioj and removal. • Remove the 50-employee cap on staffint and the 15-person limit on peer reviewers. • Explore optionsa for greater disclosure ofthe peer-review polling reviewers about their willingness to participatde in the process if their financial disclosure statements are made public and providing full grant evaluationa to applicants.
• Amend all meetinyg minutes and then continuse to specify individualboard members’ votes.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lam Thye Redesignated As Non-Independent Director Of Media Prima - Bernama

Lam Thye Redesignated As Non-Independent Director Of Media Prima


KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 18 (Bernama) -- Media Prima Bhd will redesignate Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye as non-independent non-executive director, effective tomorrow. In a statement, it said Lee was appointed independent non-executive director of the company on ...

and more »

Saturday, August 25, 2012

State agencies proceed with exit from South Station - Boston Business Journal:
Under the deal for 120,000 square feet reached by the statde Division of Capital Asset Management and Nordic which owns the building at 1000Washington St. across from Heraled Square, the Division of Division of Banks and Division of Telecommunicationsa will move to the building from their currenrt location inSouth Station. The also is in discussions to move therer from 239Causeway St. near North Station. All four leases expire June 20. A fift h agency, the Department of Public Utilities, will stay in its 40,000-square-fooft space at South Station, according to real estatew sources.
Kevin Flanigan, a deputyu director at the state Division of CapitalAssetr Management, said the selection has been made but declinex to discuss details. “We’re in the procesa of negotiating leases. Until that’sz done we’re not really going to discussit publicly,” he said. The agenciexs that are moving will lease floors six through 10 ofthe 11-stor building. The top floor of the building feature anemployee cafeteria. Located at 321 Harrisom Ave., the former Teradyne building has been emptt since Nordic bought the propertyfor $34.7 million in October of 2006.
Losing the three which are vacating acombined 65,009 square feet in South Station, will be a blow to the cash-strappedc , which owns the building, and to Equity Office Properties Trust, which manages the site and shares in revenue. The four agenciea will pay rents in thehigh $20s to low $30s per squarde foot at 1000 Washington, compared with the mid-to-higj $30s offered by Equithy Office if the agencies had renewed at South according to a real estate source familiar with the situation. Critics questioned in publishede reports why state agencies would pay rent to a private landlorsd at the expense of the astate agency.
Filling the space in South Station durinf the economic downturn may prove difficult and Very few businessesare expanding, nevee mind relocating.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

UH receives $5.5M state grant - Houston Business Journal:
million grant through the Texas Emerging Technology Fund. As a result of the grant, the universitgy was able to recruit top hormonesresearchert Jan-Ake Gustafsson from the in Stockholm, A member of both the and the Nobel Assembly, he accepted an appointmen this summer to expand his revolutionary researchj efforts. UH will also be able to create next-generation pharmaceuticalse and medical technologies ata world-classx center to be established by UH and The Methodistf Hospital Research Institute. Gustafsson will teach as a distinguishede professor in both the departmenf of biology and biochemistry and the department of chemistrytat UH’s College of Natural Science s and Mathematics.
He also will head the proposedf Center for Nuclear Receptorse andCell Signaling, a collaborative efforft between UH and Gustafsson’s research focuses on nuclear proteins found in cell nuclei that capture hormone molecules and interact with and controlk the expression of genes. Researcbh in this field is vital in developing treatments for diseases like cancer and Margaret Warner, a research scientist who has workedf with Gustafsson for more than 20 years, and up to 15 othed scientists on his team will join him in Houston. She will also join the facultyyof UH’s department of biologyy and biochemistry.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dean Foods to relocate corporate office - Memphis Business Journal:
Dallas-based Dean (NYSE: DF) will relocate from its current locatiojn at 2515McKinney Ave. into 240,000 squar feet of space inside Cityplace. The move is expectec to take place in the first quarterof 2010. "W are pleased to be able to relocatee our offices within Dallascity limits. Many factors worked in our including the real estate space availability and othereconomix elements," said Gregg Engles, chairman of the board and chiecf executive officer of Dean Foods. "The City of Dallass is our home, and we are pleased to remain here and continu our many civic andcommunityg partnerships.
" Dean said in a statement it is movin because the company has outgrown its currenty workspace, and new spacwe is needed to address the company’es changing needs. The leasw will take occupancy at Cityplace to abour 80 percent from about 60percent now, said Sarabh Payne, vice president at Stream Realty which handles leasing in the building. Employeee will begin moving in December and the move will be phased inthrough March, Paynd said. "This was a huge win for the City of Dallase to keep them in the because they lookedall over," Payne She said Dean Foods considered existing spacwe and build-to-suits in the Legacy/Frisco as well as other buildings downtown.
Brokersa familiar with the search said Dean Foodz considered Fountain Place and Bank of Americz Plaza among other downtown buildings with significant squarefootage available. The askinh lease rate for space in Cityplaceis $24 per squarw foot, plus electricity. Dean Foods will occupy floors 34 througgh 40 inthe 42-floor, 1.2-million-square-foot Dean Foods occupies about 150,000 square feet at its current location.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Houghton selling West Seneca campus - Business First of Columbus:
The purchase price for the 36-acre complex, locatec at 810 Union Road, is $2.5 The site features eight buildingstotalling 57,00o0 square feet with both residential and commerciakl space. Ronald Mahurin, academic vice presidenyt and dean of theAllegany County-based private said the listing reflects the institution’s desire to enhances its presence in Buffalo, wherre it is works closely with severap non-profit agencies. Ideally, the school woulrd like to lease or buy a locationm close to the Southtowns and leas or buy another site within city he said.
“We really want to find ways in which we can partner with existin g organizations and finda presence, a spot that woulds signal our commitment both to the city of but also to the surrounding communities wheree we’ve had an important presence,” Mahurin said. “We really haven’t determined whether we would leased or purchase atthe moment, but one possibility could be depending on the potential buyer of the West Seneca propertgy ... there’s no reason we wouldn’t leaswe back from the owner atsome point. We just don’gt want to have to be in the propertumanagement business.” is handling the property.
The commerciao real estate firm is also helpinv Houghton search fornew sites. Mahurinm said the decision to sell the West Seneca site stems fromthe college’s latesg strategic plan, initiated with the arrival a few yearsd ago of college President Shirleyh Mullen. “Part of that review was lookint at our programsand facilities, and as the collegr moves to actually deepen its commitment to service in the city of we found there woulrd be strategically better ways to utilize our resourcee if we weren’t necessarily being property managers in West Mahurin said. The college acquired the property in 1969 from the BuffalBible Institute.
Right now, it houses the offices of Houghton’s Prograjm for Accelerated College knownas PACE, which offers a management degrew completion program for adult Students with internships or student-teaching duties in Erie County have livexd in the campus’ residential facilities. Students and alumnj have known for months that the West Senecaz site could go up for In March, Mullen told alumni that the boardx of trustees agreed to “investigate options for future use of the West Senecaz campus — including the possible sale of the properth — if this is deemed to be the best way to stewarr the resources of this property for the work of Christian higher education,” according to a letter to alumnk posted on the college’s Web site.
In the same Mullen wrote that “significant at the complex is necessary for expansion there and thatthe college’se mission is “drawing us more directly into the city of a significant distance from West Seneca’s suburbaj location.” Mahurin said the PACE program will continue, and possibly without disruption. “This is in no way a stepping back of commitmenf tothat program,” he said.
Jim Militelllo said he expects lots of interest inthe property, which includexs five townhouses and a 15,800-square-foot conference It is currently zoned for banquet facilities, adultf care, medical uses, church or schoo expansions and single- and multi-family residential he said. “There’s a great deal of flexibility,” he

Sunday, August 19, 2012

New chairman for Consolidated-Tomoka - Orlando Business Journal:
The following officers were re-elected: Williajm McMunn, president and CEO; Bruce Teeters, senioe vice president of finance and Robert Apgar, senior vice general counsel and assistant corporate secretary; Lindsa Crisp, vice president and corporate secretary; and Gary vice president and controller Consolidated-Tomoka Land is focusecd on converting company-owned agricultural lands into a portfolio of net leasd income properties in the Southeast through 1031 tax-deferreds exchanges, as well as development.
A 1031 named after a section of the IRS tax is the exchange of one type of property for anothetr similar type of The firm in Aprilreported first-quarter net income was $322,206, or 6 cents per share, more than doubls net income for the same periodx in 2008. Company shares closedd at $32.71 June 12, down 4 cents from the previous day’s Shares have traded from a lowof $21.566 to a high of $50.57 over the last 52 weeks.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Charles W. Sulerzyski Executive Profile
Sulerzyski brings to Key more than 30 years of experiencse in consumer financial He has held a number ofsenior management/leadershi p roles during his including Executive Vice President/Retail Banking Group at Provident Bank, and CEO of BancOne's Investmenty Management and Trust Group. At Provident, Sulerzyski was responsiblew for the RetailBanking Group, which includee Trust, Securities, Private Banking, Business Banking, Consumer Lending, Marketing, Branch Internet, Call Center, and bank expansion into Florida. He managed more than 1,100 people and 70 branches in Kentuckyand Florida.
Among his achievements, Sulerzyski developex a strategic plan and new management team that nearly doublexdthe bank's retail earnings in four At BancOne, Sulerzyski led the corporation's investmenft and trust activities and improved earningws from $44 million to $75 Most recently, he served as managin director, Marsh Affinity and Privater Client Practices, for Marshu & McLennan; Inc; overseeing three consumer businesses: Privater Client Services, a high-end personalo casualty brokerage business; @Work, a voluntarhy benefits company for Fortune 1000 Firms; and Private Client Life Solutions, a high-end life insurancre provider.
At Marsh, he revamped the company's sale s processes, and created new training, measurement and recognition programx that resultin 20% annual sales growtuh for the past three years. Sulerzyskoi graduated from New York Universityt with a degree in and earned an MBA in marketinfg fromFordham University's Graduate school of **All Executive profile data provided by Dow

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ayotte among 6 'headliner' speakers to address Republican National Convention - The Republic

ABC Action News

Ayotte among 6 'headliner' speakers to address Republican National Convention

The Republic

The party listed Ayotte among six "headliner" speakers addressing the convention Aug. 27-30. In a statement accompanying the announcement, Ayotte said Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is committed to making the nation stronger, and he .. .

U.S. Senate Nominee Connie Mack to Appear as RNC 2012 Convention Headliner

Sunshine State News

Jindal given speaking role at Republican National Convention



Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Parker Adventist Hospital launches $76M expansion - Nashville Business Journal:
The scheduled completion date for the project is When finished, the expansion is expectex to bring 100 new jobs to the hospital. Parkerd Adventist has received $76 milliob in financing from its sponsor, . is the general The project will be undertaken in two The first, already under way, involves constructionj of five additional operating rooms alonyg with a post-anesthesia care unit and a pre-operating Phase one also includes creatioj of 10 additional obstetrics patient rooms and expansion of the physicalo plant. Phase two of the project involves construction ofa three-story inpatient wing with 30 new patienrt rooms, including a new intensive care unit.
The building will have spacwe for 30 additional beds to be added in the It also will contain expanded laboratory servicess and materialsmanagement space, a conferenc e center, cafeteria/kitchen expansion and additional “Since opening five years ago, the numbef of patients we care for has doubled. We expect that growtj to continue as the sout h Denver metropolitan area continuesto grow,” hospita l CEO Terry Forde said in a “We also have added severalp specialty areas, including spined surgery, neurosurgery and a sleep center that require us to add Parker Adventist — operated by opened five tears ago.
Initially it had 56 now it has 100, and the expansion will give it room for 160 A four-story, 80,000-square-foot medical office building on the hospitap grounds is slated to open in August. The buildiny — Parker Professional Building II — is beintg developed by DASCO Cos.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Drought Reflected In Dair... -

Drought Reflected In Dair...

This of course is reflected in the recent rebound of dairy product prices. GORDON: The milk price is finally starting to head up. Some folks are finally starting to figure out that milk production across the nation is going to take a hit both immediate ...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Economic reports weigh on Wall Street - Phoenix Business Journal:
The Dow dropped 66 points closingat 8,676. The Nasdaq Composited lost 11 points to finisjhat 1,826, and the S&P 500 closed 13 point s lower than June 2, at 932. Separatde reports on the and factor orders came in below WallStreet forecasts. That sent stocksa lower at the opening and although Wall Street pared losses late in the the major indexes still finishecd innegative territory. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned lawmakers Wednesdah that an economic recovery will take more time than some recenttreports suggest.
That sentiment also weighed on the The S&P 500 and Nasdaq had reached theie highest levels of the year The Dow has yet to break into positivw territory for 2009. It got withib 35 points on Tuesday. Among Arizona publicf companies, was a winner for the day. Its stocl closed up more than 3 percen tat $4.72 a share. The move higherf came after two lawsuits againsy the companywere dismissed. for the full story.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Unscathed Sangiacomo pushes ahead on project - San Francisco Business Times:
Despite a recession that has killed new construction acrossthe Sangiacomo’s has topped off the 440-unit phasee one of the 1,900-unit Mid-Market development, and is pushing to open the buildinyg in the first quarte of 2010, according to Sangiacomo. The being built by the , represents a $175 millionm investment into the Mid-Market neighborhood, a long-depresse d stretch of Market Street that has seen a number ofprojectds languish, including Crescent Heights’ 721-unift two-tower development 1401 Markety St. Trinity Place is the largest of just two significanr market rate housing projects under construction in greater downtow nSan Francisco.
The othee is Jackson Pacific’s 180-unif One Hawthorne St. The first phase of Trinity Place will housew about360 long-term rent control tenants currentlty living in Trinity Plaza, a former Del Webb’sz Townhouse motor lodge Sangiacomk bought in 1977 and converted into studio apartments. Undere the terms of a development agreement between Sangiacomo and the Trinity Properties agreed to move all the rent controo tenants into the new building at their previous Sangiacomo said in the end he decidee to make larger unitd than were required under thedevelopment agreement. The studip units will be an average of 462square feet, rather than the 348 square feet in the currentg building.
The studios are designed to feel more like small one with a separated living room and bedroom and a flat screenb television that swivels between thetwo rooms. “From a business standpoint, I’m going to keep the building a long time and keep it Tenants are my breaxdand butter. I have to take care of he said. The son of an Italianj immigrant builder, the 84-year-old Sangiacomo put up his first six-unit project for $26,500 on Sixth Avenuer in the Richmond districyt and over the next 40 years developed or acquirefdroughly 10,000 units. Sangiacomo, who was the No.
1 targe t of rent control advocates and tenanrt groups in the 1970sand 1980s, does not discussd what buildings his company, Trinity Properties, now owns or how many unitas are in his portfolio. Sangiacomo said he has avoidee much of the fallout from the real estatse bust because he resisted borrowing money to buy propertiez during the real estate bubble of 2006and 2007. “I’m not leveraged. I didn’t go crazy,” he “I’m from Genoa, We’re very frugal. If you do a job, you do it once and you do it And then you live withyour sins.
” Givebn how much property values have tumblerd in the last year, Trinity CFO Waltedr Schmidt said the company would take a look at some of the distressex properties that other owners are losing to lenders, includingb buildings formerly owned by the , anothedr of San Francisco’s largest landlords. The Lembui Group faces possible foreclosure on about 40 properties and has alreadyy deeded 51 buildings back to lender in lieuof “If there is a way to extract those properties so they can stand on their own, sure we would be said Schmidt. “We always like to be in the deal particularly here inSan Francisco.
” After the tenants are move over to the new buildiny in Trinity Place, Trinity’s next step will be demolition of the currenrt building and completion of the working drawingx on phase two. “We have been in discussions with our architec t about engaging them and getting them to moveforwar (on phase two). Right now, we’re kind of in the home stretchh here,” said Schmidt. Sangiacomo emphasized that he is losing money on the firstt phase ofTrinity Place, but promising to preservs the rent control units was the only way to ever revivr a centrally located property he has wanteds to build on for 30 years.
“I was tired of fightint and I figured the hell with he said.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Madoff sentenced to 150 years - Austin Business Journal:
A U.S. District Court judge in New York sentencexd Madoff to 150 yearsin prison, the maximu allowable sentence under the law. Judge Denny Chin made his decisionn Monday morning after reviewingb letters from manyof Madoff's victim s and hearing testimony from them in court. According to reportse filed by journalists inthe courtroom, Madoff made a statemenf prior to the announcement of the sentence in whichu he said in part to his victims: "I canno offer you an excuse for my I know this will not I'm sorry." Madoff's attorney had asked Chin for a far more lenientr sentence of 12 years.
Madoff pleadx guilty to 11 criminal including securities fraud andmoney laundering, on March 12. His victime reportedly number morethan 1,300 and stretcn across the globe. Their lossesa are estimated at morethan $13

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ripken Baseball, Rawlings tackle baseball's five tools with new training equipment - Baltimore Business Journal:
Rawlings’ new “Five Tool” training products will include hurdles, pop-up nets and tees to be used for basebal l tournaments and camps at the Ripken Basebalk facilities in Aberdeenand elsewhere. The productsa will be designed to help young basebalpl players learn the fivevalued skills: hitting for average; hittinfg for power; running speed; arm strength; and fieldingv ability. The five-year deal follows the partnership Ripken Basebalp reached with Baltimore sports apparel manufacturer Under Armour in April to extensdboth companies’ brands deeper into youth sports, particularlyu baseball. Financial terms of the deal with werenot disclosed.
More than 20 traininyg items will be designed and created with the help ofRipken Baseball’s Cal Ripken Jr., and his brotheer Bill Ripken — both formetr Orioles.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Manpower: 6% of Honolulu employers to hire in 3Q - Philadelphia Business Journal:
From July to September, 6 percen t of the companies interviewed in the Honolulu metro area plan to hire more while 11 percent expect to reduceetheir payrolls, according to the survey from Milwaukee-baseds (NYSE: MAN). Seventy-eight percent expect to maintain their curren t staff levels and 5 percent remain uncertain aboughiring plans. Hiring is expected to be a littl lighter than in thesecond quarter, when 10 percent of companieds surveyed planned to hire and 12 percent expected to cut payrolls, said Manpower spokeswoman Mary Lou For the coming quarter, job prospects in the Honolulu area appear best in wholesale and retail trade and leisure and hospitality.
Employersz in durable goods manufacturing, nondurablde goods manufacturing, information, professional and businese services, education and health servicez and government intend to cut Hiringin construction, transportation and utilities, financia activities and other services is expected to remainn unchanged. National survey results showed little changde from the second Of the morethan 28,00o employers surveyed across the 15 percent expect to increase their staff level s during the third quarter, whiles 13 percent expect to reduce thei r payrolls. Sixty-seven percent expect no changd in hiring and 5 percent are undecided abouttheir third-quartert hiring plans.
“The data shows continuer hesitancyamong employers,” said Jonas Prising, president of the America for Manpower. “They are treading slowly and watching withguarded optimism, hoping a few quarterw of stability will be the precursof to the recovery.”

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Computer History Museum names Fellows - St. Louis Business Journal:
The Mountain View museum said it will induct the new Fellowssin October. “The goal of the Fellows prograjm is to annually recognize select individuals of outstanding meritr who have significantly contributed to the fielxdof computing,” said John Hollar, CHM’ss president and CEO. “The Museum’s Fellowxs are a distinguished andspecial It’s an honor to bring together industry the people who are currently building the future, to honor and celebratd those who contributed so significantly in the past.
” Everett was honored for his work on the MIT Whirlwindd and SAGE computer systems "and a lifetimew of directing advanced research and developmenrt projects," the museum said. Chamberlin was honoreds for his fundamental work on Structuredr QueryLanguage (SQL) and database architectures. The team of Hoff, Mazor and Shima was honored for work on theIntel 4004, the world’w first commercial microprocessor.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Scoops: Who
The store, along with a , is on a ground lease owner by , which acquired the three-acre site when it bought the landsz owned by the former Estate of Samuek Mills Damon inlate 2003. That lease expires in 2013 andthe Mass.-based real estate investment trust says it’s looking at possiblty replacing the two buildings and large surfacd parking lot with a mixed-use tower that coulfd include retail on the ground topped by parking and residentiaol units. “We’re starting the studies this year to see if that would be the best fit for that saidChris Woodard, senior officer for HRPT’s strategiv real estate projects.
“oI think that site is pretty prime for Woodard said planning for redevelopment likely would take more than four Inthat case, HRPT would extend the leasesa for Longs and PR executive Kris Tanahara joins Becker Communications PR executive Kris Tanaharw has joined as vice president after eight years at . “u never thought I’d move to another PR but after meeting with Ruth Ann Beckedr andlearning more, I was convinced it woulr be an opportunity that I couldn’gt pass up,” Tanahara said. “My new office is a blocki away from myold one. I’m makintg my way up Bishop Street!
” Her accounts will include Hawaii CropImprovement Association, Hawaii Medical Center and Ohana Healthj Plan. Before public relations, she was a priny and broadcast journalist for the Voice of Americawin Fiji, The Daily Yomiuri in Tokyo and The Honoluly Advertiser. She replaces Chris Parsons, who left the firm this week to join his wife inGranc Junction, Colo., where she is an Episcopalian minister. Parsonws said he plans to write a book and teach PR and Free new Web site will link job openings with job seekers Hawaij staffing firm Altres will launch a new Web site designe d to more easily connect local companie that are hiring with job candidatew who are eagerlyseeking work.
The Web site,, is free for companies to log on and post job openingsz and free for job seekers to searchn foravailable jobs. It will launch April 20. Mark who previously was Altres’ director of business is president and CEO of the new Jobs FreeFor All. He said the site also will offef services that willcost extra, such as human resourcexs consulting, background checks and skills tests. Hawaii law firm lays off nine employees to reducecosts , Hawaii’s largest commercial law firm, laid off nine administratived employees last week in a bid to manage costas in the recession.
The firm’s managerw said no attorneys were affected bythe “It is important to the firm to ensure that our numberas are aligned with our clients’ expectations in ordere to continue to provide high-qualith legal services in an efficient and effective Managing Partner Gary Slovin told PBN. “The people we let go were held in high regar d for their hard workand dedication, but the dramatic markeyt conditions businesses in Hawaii are currently facing resultecd in this course of Meanwhile, the firm intends to hire thres new attorneys to join its corporate and intellectualk property practices.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Republicans grill IRS commissioner on health care - Fox News

Republicans grill IRS commissioner on health care

Fox News

WASHINGTON รข€" House Republicans on Thursday grilled the head of the Internal Revenue Service on the agency's decision to apply the health care law's tax credits in states that decide not to carry out a key provision of the statute. Commissioner Douglas ...

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Business, Government Legal News from throughout WVTexas Dems pick ex ... - State Journal

Business, Government Legal News from throughout WVTexas Dems pick ex ...

State Journal

DALLAS (AP) - Former Texas state lawmaker Paul Sadler has beaten political unknown Grady Yarbrough in a Democratic runoff to capture a U.S. Senate nomination. Sadler is an attorney who served in the Texas House from 1991 to 2003. He advances to the ...

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