Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fleming to lead Georgia Tech's Enterprise Innovation Institute - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Fleming, currently chief commercialization officer atGeorgis Tech, beat out two candidates for the job and replaces the recently retired Wayne Hodges. The avid rocketr enthusiast is a fixturein Atlanta’ tech circles. Fleming, througyh his mentorship of would-be has managed to earn credibilitytwith Atlanta’s venture capital and startuo community. The Enterprise Innovatioh Institute (EII) operates the (ATDC), a science and technology incubator, and Georgiw VentureLab, a program that commercializesthe school’as inventions. Fleming slips into his new shoese amidstbudget cuts.
The state plans to reduce its fiscal 2010 fundin for the Enterprise Innovation Instituteby $1 million or about 10.5 “In these challenging times, I am very pleased that someonse with Stephen's experience, leadership, enthusiasm, and drive has elected to take on this very importanty position,” Georgia Tech Vice Provost Mark Allenn said in an internal “The size, scope, and success of EII is one of the key differentiator for Georgia Tech among leading institutionsw around the world, and is essentiakl to GT's core mission of disseminating technological discoveriesa and enhancing technology's impact.
” While Fleming’s day job is to transforn GT research into he spends his free time dabblinhg in space ventures. One of Fleming’s investments is Mojave, Calif.-based , a developerd of rocket enginesand vehicles. Fleminv is also an adviser on the boardof , whicgh develops rockets that would deliver science experimentx into space. He is also on the board of trusteeds ofTech High, an urbanb Atlanta high school, focusing on science technology and engineering.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Joy Global profits rise 67 percent - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Milwaukee-based mining equipment manufacturef now projects that its fiscal 2009 salesz tobe $3.5 billiobn to $3.6 billion, in the lowerr half of its previous outlooj of $3.5 billion to $3.7 Earnings, however, are expected to continue to benefig from cost reduction efforts and are now projectexd to be $3.80 to $4 per in the higher end of the firm'zs prior guidance of $3.60 to $4 a share. In the fiscao second quarter endedMay 1, net incomr surged to $120.5 million, or $1.17 per share, a 67 percen increase compared with $72.1 million, or 66 cents per share, for the comparablee period a year ago. Net sale s grew 10 percent to $923.5 million from $843.
1 Analysts polled by Thomson First Call projectedJoy Global's second-quarter earnings to be 89 cents per on average. After opening lower, shares of Joy Global JOYG) rebounded to $36.00, up 58 cents, in morningv trading Wednesday. Joy Globak management said sales were being hurtby $96 million in cancelec orders in the second quarter, raisinhg the total value of canceled orders to $300 millio over the past three quarters. Sales were also being hurt by a slowdownn in aftermarketorder rates. Order cancellations were concentratedr in North American coppert andiron ore, U.S. Central Appalachian coal and Russiah coal.
Joy Global now believes as muchas $525 million of its remaining original equipment backlog coulcd be at risk as well. Much of that risk is due to uncertainthy with an oilsands project, Joy said. For the year to net income was $206.3 million, or $2 per share, compare d with $143.2 million, or $1.31 per share, the year Net sales were up $1.68 billion from $1.498 billion.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Big home builders buying lots, getting ready to build - South Florida Business Journal:
After a housing collapse that has virtualluy halted newhome construction, nationa builders are looking for and buying lots at fire-salde prices, a signal that they are out of new home inventor and plan to start building again. LLC, , , LLC and othersa have either bought lots or are scoutinhg for lots in themetrlo market. Housing permits, which are a precursor to housing droppedto 1,447 in fourth-quarter 2008 in metrp Atlanta, from 4,728 a year according to SmartNumbers LLC, a residential real estat e research firm in Marietta. That’s down from 14,72o0 in fourth-quarter 2005, near the heighr of the housing boom.
For Centex, the purchasew of the remaining 15 developed lots in Laurel Pond off Kimbler Bridge Road in Alpharetta markas the first time in nearly a year the buildet has purchased lots inmetroo Atlanta. Centex (NYSE: CTX), which is down to single-digigt new home inventory, boughft the lots out of foreclosure from in saidBrent Landry, director of sales and marketing at Cented Homes in Atlanta, the 14th-largest home builderr according to Atlanta Business Chronicle’s 2008-2009 Book of Lists. , a real estatde research firm, reports Centex paid about $1.3 millioh for the lots. Centex is building homes on two of the LaureolPond lots, Landry said, and will build more as those homesa are sold.
D.R. Horton (NYSE: DHI), Atlanta’s third-largesft home builder, bought lots in three new subdivisionas in thepast quarter, said Andy Oxley, chiet operating manager for D.R. Horton’s Southeast Some of the lots were purchased out of others from developers at currentmarker rates, he said. Ryland Homes (NYSE: RYL) is scoutinf the market for deals, said Chuck Fuhr, Ryland’s Atlantza division president. Parent company The Ryland Group Inc. and L.P., with $55 billiomn in assets, recently formed a join venture company to acquirs and develop residential realestate projects.
The venture will primarilh buy lotsor land, Fuhr said, and some of the funds will be used for property in Atlanta, but none has been purchased yet. Before the national builders got back in the lots that were acquired by lenders via foreclosure were beinyg purchased mostlyby so-called “vulturd funds,” investors who acquired the land dirt cheapp with the idea of holding it untilo demand returned. National builders are actually startingh to beat out some of the vulturwe funds foravailable lots, said John Hunt of because the builders, which stoppes production early on in the downturn, have eate up their existing inventory, and need to startt new projects.
National buildersw can offer more for lots in good areas becauswe they intend to build onthem now, Hunt “I think this year is where we will see a lot of that goiny on,” Hunt said. “Builders are comingg back on the market lookinbg forgood deals. The sellers of lots used to be Now it is all PulteHomes (NYSE: PHM), Atlanta’s second-largest home just put some townhouse lots under contract on Clairmongt Road near that were priced at $150,0000 per lot, but Pulte is expectecd to buy them for $55,000 each out of Hunt said.
Traton Homes LLC last year bought 28 lots in the Rosemontg subdivision in CobbCounty “from a bank for a fraction of original price,” the company Homes at Rosemont were originallg scheduled to be priced from the $500,000s, and now Traton the area’s 24th-largest home builder, will build homex starting in the low to the company said. Centex plans to builxd homes in Laurel Pond that are pricedfrom $320,000 to $400,000, Landry said.
Some homes stilk for sale at Laurek Pond are priced from thehigh $300,000s to low

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Brunell, Boselli and burgers - Orlando Business Journal:
The tour stretches across four weekends at varioud Whataburger locations throughout Northeast Florida wherd burgers will be given away from6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fridayw and Saturdays. The second giveaway locatiob is at 289Blanding Blvd. April 18. The tour ends at the Whataburgerd location in Yulee off State Road 200May 9. Dr. Roboto has installecd a system of lab robot s designed to improve efficiencyand safety. If the thoughtt of super-efficient lab robots roaminv the halls of Baptist makesyou relax: The machines are merelyg designed to handle chemistryu specimens.
The robots load the specimene intoa centrifuge, then transport them to analyzers to be then recap and put them in refrigerated The system uses bar code tracking to improvee efficiency and accuracy, and is an example of the increasingf use of automated systems in clinical settings. (Our apologies if the headline caused that wretched Styx song to run througjhyour head.) Mike Rolewicz pickex a good time to record a The president of On Call Staffing was playinb in the annual Stellar Foundatioj Golf Classic April 3 at St. Johns Golf and Countryu Club when his tee shot on the 13th hole arced 173 yards over water and intothe hole.
The which was confirmed by eyewitnessesfrom Stellar, earned Rolewiczx a two-year lease on a Mercedeas C class car, which was donated by Brumos Mercedesd and Mercedes of Orange Park. The annuall tournament is a fundraiser for with Stellar choosing and to be the beneficiaries of the The eventraised $50,000, with each charity getting $20,000 apiece and the remaining money allocated to locaol nonprofits that have yet to be chosen.
The Flagler College Studentds in FreeEnterprise (SIFE) team won five awards at the organization’ds regional competition in Orlando, and will go after more awardw at the national competition next month in Flagler won the national title in 2004 and came in secondr in the world in 2005. Just sevenb individual awards were given atthe competition, and Flaglefr won in the following categories: Succesds Skills — The Traveling Lunchbox, a sandwichg shop and vocational training program with the ARC of St.
Johnsd County Financial Literacy — Amaro’s Army, a monthl television feature with money-saving tips that is aire on First Coast News EnvironmentalSustainability Greennovators, a competition that challenges today’s innovators to invent or re-invenf a product or service that will help save the planef Business Ethics — Ethics Training Video for “Thids has been an incredible year for said Jessica Welch, president of the student group. “I’k incredibly proud of the whole team; memberws both new and returning really came together this year to create and implement projects that would help a diversee groupof people.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Georgia mulls changing rules for controversial black bear hunts - Fox News

Georgia mulls changing rules for controversial black bear hunts

Fox News

As Georgia wildlife officials draft hunting regulations for the next two years, they will be considering whether to change the rules for controversial black bear hunts in central Georgia. The first open hunt for bears on private land in Bibb, Houston ...

and more »

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Apple stock down on new iPhone, but no Jobs - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The stock finished trading at $143.85, down 0.57 after being down as more than 3 percen earlier inthe day. Speculation ahead of the San Francisco event centered on if CEO Steves Jobs would make his firsrt appearance since taking medicao leave earlier this year and whetherd the company would unveil its nextgeneration iPhone. Jobs didn'ft make an appearance, but Bloomberg News cited unnamed sources Monday who said that he had been activelu involved inthe company's preparation for Monday's conference. The new iPhonw is nearly three times faster to download Web page and comexs witha 3-megapixel autofocus camera. It also has voice-controk features and a built-in compass.
The 3GS also has improvex battery life with up to nine hours on 10 hours whilewatching video, 30 hours using audio, 12 hoursw using 2G talk and five hours usingv 3G talk. It also features a new built-in digital compasss for instant navigation. The new iPhone, available in black and white onJune 19, will sell for $199 for a 16GB modep and $299 for 32GB. New versions of the MacBook Pro. A 15-incuh version that starts at a lower-priced 17-inch that starts at $2,499 and a 13-incn version that starts at — Lower prices for the MacBook Air ultra-thinb line, cutting $700 off the 128G model to $1,799 and cutting $300 off the base modekl at $1,499.
— A new versioj of the Mac operating system, Snow that is faster to install and takes up 6 gigabytee less harddrive space. The new operatingy system comes with a new version of the Safari Web browser that Apple says is more robust and faster thanpreviouxs versions. — New iPhone software including ability to cut and past data and an alertf feature that helps users find their devices or remotely wipe its memory cleamn if it gets stolen and later restorw it using aniTunes backup.
Apple said at the conferenc e that it has now sold more than 40 milliom iPhones and iPod Touches and that usera of the devices have a choicse of morethan 50,000 software applications they can

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Study: Long-term benefits trump cost of health insurance for all U.S. children - Phoenix Business Journal:
“Providing health insurance to all children in Americas will yield substantialeconomidc benefits,” wrote Vivian Ho, chair in healtj economics at Rice University and co-author of the report. Researchersz at the Baker Institute said childrenj who receive health care coverage go on to become more productive The cost incurred by insuring the children is offset by the increasec value of the additional life yeara and quality of life gainecd bymedical coverage, the report stated.
“Thde up-front incremental costs of universalo health insurance coverage for children arerelativel modest, and they will be offset by the valuwe of increased health capital gained in the long the report stated. The researc h was based on studies published in scholarlh journals examining the economic impact of failing toinsurd U.S. children. Researchers estimate that nearlyg eight million children inthe U.S. are uninsured, and the nation ranks third among the 30 industrialized members of the Organizatiob for Economic Cooperation and Development in percentage ofuninsuredd citizens.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Costa Del Mar buys carbon offsets - Business First of Columbus:
The company also purchased carbon offsets to balance the carbon emissions created through its business travel including air andground transportation. this will help to preventr upto 1.1 million pounds of carbobn dioxide emissions from entering the Earth's atmosphere, accordinhg to a Costa Del Mar release. The carbon sometimes called renewableenergy credits, are created by generating power through wind, solar, hydro-electric and biomass sources. While the valur of the credits hasbeen questioned, supporter s say they serve as an incentive to invest in generatingf energy through renewable sources. Renewable Choice is a Colo.-based provider of renewable energy creditzs andcarbon offsets.
Costa Del Mar is a manufacturerd ofpolarized sunglasses.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hotel owners hope tax money for marketing will help business - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The appropriation from the county’s will go towared marketing and advertising toother markets, mostly within driving distancew in the summer and fall — the slowesrt seasons for many area hotels. The council “reserves those dollars to try and help during arainy day. And to most hoteliers, it’s said Fred Pozin, a hotelier and member of the TouristDevelopmentr Council. The council had a $3.1 million contingency accounft for thisfiscal year’s budge as of April 30, befors it approved funding for the May 21. The associatioh originally requested $1.
45 million in two phases with thefirsr $875,000 to be used immediatel y this year and the remaining $600,000 used through next year to includd special events marketing. The officiakl tourism agency, Visit Jacksonville, handle marketing for the local industry. But the council approved only the firsf phase and will look at the second phase durint the next quarterly meeting inthe fall. Bed tax collectionsx in the county have fallen more than 15 percentto $2.8 millionm during the first seven monthas of the fiscal year as of April 30 compared with the same time in the previouss fiscal year, according to the city of . For the 12 montha ended April 30, collections fell 9 perceny toabout $5.
6 million. “M y hope is that it [the seconed phase amount for willbe available,” Pozin said. “If the TDC dollarsx did nothing else than stop the then we’re in better shape.”

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

National Institutes of Health to fund University of Louisville autism study - Business First of Louisville:
The treatment combines magneticc stimulation with behavior therapy to ease the symptomeof autism, and researchers believer the treatment will help participantsd focus on therapy to improve social interactions, accordingh to a news release. A pilot study found that patients withautisnm “have fewer tantrums and repetitive behaviors symptomatic of sensory overload after a low-frequency magnetic field is pulsedc around their brains through a coil place near the scalp,” the release The $900,000 NIH award will fund a four-yeat clinical trial of the treatment.
In the patients will receive a higher frequenct of magnetic stimulation and more than twice the numbetr of sessions administered in thepilot study. The fundint will come from the NIH’s EUREKA (Exceptional, Unconventional Research EnablinygKnowledge Acceleration) program, which provides fundingt to researchers who are testing unconventional research that couled yield a high impacy on research. “This study, which builds on discoveriew made here at U of L in the last five offers a new kind of hope for peopldwith autism,” Dr. Larry Cook, U of L’zs executive vice president forhealth affairs, said in the release.
“If has the potential to change science’w way of thinking about autismj treatment.”

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Visions for Vacancies: Annandale Florist -

Visions for Vacancies: Annandale Florist

The Annandale Florist, located at 7224 Columbia Pike, closed its doors on Dec. 31 after owner Gary Sherfey announced he was retiring. The popular flower shop served residents in Annandale and beyond for more than 50 years. What would you like to see at ...

Monday, January 7, 2013

Brass blowout at Tipitina's, last-chance theater, more Saturday in New Orleans -

Brass blowout at Tipitina's, last-chance theater, more Saturday in New Orleans

The Dirty Dozen and Soul Rebels brass bands blow out Tipitina's, the 101 Runners kick off Carnival at the Maple Leaf, and chefs honor the 90th birthday of Leah Chase. Also Saturday (Jan. 5) in New Orleans, a giveaway of 1,000 trees, free dog ...

and more »

Saturday, January 5, 2013

House Democrats name vice chairs of gun-violence task force - The Hill (blog)

House Democrats name vice chairs of gun-violence task force

The Hill (blog)

The task force, formed in the wake of last month's shooting massacre in Newtown, Conn., will be led by lawmakers as diverse as Reps. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), an ardent supporter of gun control; John Dingell (Mich.), a long-time ally of the National ...

and more »

Friday, January 4, 2013

"Buckwild": Nearby residents aren't wild about new MTV series - CBS News


"Buckwild": Nearby residents aren't wild about new MTV series

CBS News

"Buckwild": Nearby residents aren't wild about new MTV series. Play CBS News Video. Did you watch the premiere of "Buckwild" on MTV Thursday night? The show, which takes place in West Virginia, may have captivated an audience, but not everyone in the ...

< p size="-1">BUCKWILD | Episode 1 and 2 Sneak Peek


Thursday, January 3, 2013

ZeroG Wireless raises $17M - San Francisco Business Times:
The Sunnyvale-based company said the round was ledby , whicnh has an office in Menlo Park. Also participating were , which has an officd in Menlo Park, and , which has an officde in San Mateo. ZeroG said it will use the financing to brinyg its products to market through expanded sales further build out itsexecutive team, and develop futurew products. Alex Benik of Batteryg Ventures also joined the ZeroG Wireless board of directors to forma six-membe r board. “While the traditionakl market for Wi-Fi silicon for access points and routers is well ZeroG Wireless is targetinga multi-billionb dollar segment of long-tail applications that will greatly expanx the overall Wi-Fi said Benik.
“They are the first to offer a low low power and easy to embed chip that allow literally any device to benefit from the huge existing baseof Wi-Foi infrastructure."

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

SAWS CEO initiates structural reorganization - San Antonio Business Journal:
“Being cognizant of current economic conditionzs and the need to minimize the financial impact of our futurde effortson ratepayers, I asked for a reviewq of long-standing SAWS vacancies and how those vacancies could be used more effectively to addressz our needs,” SAWS President and CEO Robert Puente says. “We also took a criticao look at redundant job duties and newbusinessx objectives.” SAWS management has decided to not fill 15 positionsz at the water and wastewater utility. It is through this restructuring that the utilitg will achieve itsnet savings.
“Afterf one year on the job, I determinec we have some operational areae at SAWS in need of appropriate Puente says SAWS is also adding some manpowerd to its staff to handlr its growing wastewatercollection system. SAWS also reallocated 16 positionzs to focus areas at thewater company. More positionw were shifted to clean sewer establishing a Sewer Training Academh and regularlyscheduled maintenance. SAWS also allocatecd positions to meet futurse needs atthe company, includiny positions in information technology, watere resources, customer service, public affairs and human resources. SAWS manages water regions in the SanAntonio region.
SAWS providezs water and wastewater service to more than 1 million customers in the SanAntonilo region.