The Associated Press | Tabloid editor got free horse from UK police force The Associated Press LONDON (AP) â" British police gave former News of the World tabloid editor Rebekah Brooks a retired police steed to look after, the force confirmed Tuesday â" but they insisted it was not a gift horse. The Metropolitan Police said the 22-year-old horse ... Met Police lent Sun editor Rebekah Brooks a horse Murdoch editor got free horse from UK police |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Tabloid editor got free horse from UK police force - The Associated Press
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Fort Detrick plans to shed pipelines - WTOP
Fort Detrick plans to shed pipelines WTOP Frederick County Animal Control Director Harold Domer has had a view of the pipes from his office on Rosemont Avenue for nine years. "It's not an eyesore to me," Domer said. "You become accustomed, like water towers." Would Domer notice if the pipes ... |
Friday, February 24, 2012
Free buses bring Chapel Hill livability award - Dallas Business Journal:
The home of the , Chapeol Hill beat out more than 200 municipalitiexs across the nation to claimja first-place City Livability Award. Chapel Hill won for cities with populations of fewerthan Charleston, S.C., won for cities with populations of more than The contest was judged on three criteria: mayoralp leadership, creativity and and the broad impacyt on the quality of life for residents. The U.S. Conferencer of Mayors honored Chapel Hill for its decision in 2002 to no longerd charge fares to any rider on itsbus system, the organizatio n said in a press release.
While many bus systemsa in collegetowns don’t charge students and faculty to a scant few provide free serviced to all riders. The town implemented the fare-frew system to encourage people to take the bus and leave their carsat home. The plan worked. Ridership on Chape l Hill transit has more than doubled since farexs wereeliminated – going from 3 million in 2002 to a projectefd 7 million this “The Chapel Hill Public Transit systemj is the foundation of our sustainable Foy said in a press release. “This bus systenm makes Chapel Hill continuw to be the kind of placepeople love; for us it is an investmen t and it has paid off big time.
” The town says it is plannintg a “community event” to celebratr the livability award and that it will release detaile soon.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Six Flags files Chapter 11 - Phoenix Business Journal:
New York-based Six Flagse (OTC BB: SIXF) said its reorganizationn plan has unanimous support of its steering committee and the administrativde agent forthe company’sd $1.1 billion senior secured credit facility. The plan wouldf deleverage the company’s balancs sheet by $1.8 and cut more than $300 million in mandatorily redeemablwe preferredstock obligations. The company listedd assets of $3.03 billion and debts of $2.367 billion in its filing. “The current management team inheriteda $2.4 billioh debt load that cannot be sustained, particularl y in these challenging financial markets,” said Mark Shapiro, president and CEO of Six in a statement.
“As a we are cleaning up the past and positionintg the company forfuturd growth... Following a record year of performancdein 2008, which completed the three-yeard turnaround of our system-wide park this action to clean up the balancew sheet paves the way for a full revivall of the company. ” Six Flags has 97.7 millionn shares of common stockand 1.1 millionm shares of preferred stock. Six stock closed June 12 at 26 cents a Six Flags reported aof 2009. It had a in 2008. Six Flagzs operates Atlanta's Six Flags Over Georgia, American Adventures and Six Flaga White Watertheme parks.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Industry searches high and low for signs of hope - Business First of Columbus:
Periods of 2007 were like a lifeless drought withlittlee movement. Foreclosure sales rose to peakds this year alongside the plunging valleyof new-home Financial institutions that bet on subprime mortgages collapsed last September as if they had been swallowed by the San Andreaxs Fault. With the constantly shiftinfg topography, economists and housing expert s plumbing the depths of the downturn for clues are dividedd on whether the worst isbehind us. “Yoiu can see some occasional signs in the saidSanjay Varshney, dean of the Californi a State University Sacramento School of Busines who led the school’s new economivc forecast project this year.
“We basically tend to lead the We ledthe downside.” But Varshneh is not convinced we’re leading the upside or even at the bottonm yet. Alan Nevin, director of economic researchb at MarketPointeRealty Advisors, said ther e is zero indication of a quick market rebound that will brinvg prices surging back, but there will be scattered recover in areas performing moderately well. “Ijn Sacramento you have to look at it ona community-by-communith basis,” he said, rejectin any notion of a return of bubble-erz pricing. “I don’t see the ebullience, the vitality in the market. I see stability.
” But consider the difficulthy one faces in making such predictions by lookingv at the last Any recovery would have been tough to spot from the housing markert data after the crash of theearlh 1990s. According to housing analyst FirstAmericanj CoreLogic, Sacramento’s median home price actually lost grounsd against inflation from 1991 through 1999, even during times when the economy was When Sacramento prices finally rebounded in 2000, it was a time when the overalo economic outlook was actually downcast. Housingf and the economy seemed like actors on separatsestages then, but many consider them intertwined today.
So as predictiond emerge for a very sloweconomif recovery, experts are noticing affirmative signs of housin g recovery as well. According to market analyst , a divisiom of Sacramento’s Lyon Real Estate, there’zs less than a two-month supplyy of homes on the market in Sacramento County compared with the number of pending Many of these pendingg home sales areshort sales, an arrangement between sellers and their lenderz to avoid foreclosure by selling a home for less than the loan They’re available because the suppluy of foreclosed homes has been bought up more rapidly than they’re coming to market.
That inventoryt shortage was unthinkable twoyears ago, when more than 17,00 homes were languishing on the Last year, Sacramento prices fell 31.5 percent, according to the Sacramentol Regional Research Institute. The potential impact is that foreclosureds might stop driving home prices That appears to be the case over at leas the pastfew months. As Dataquick Informationn Systemshas reported, median home prices in Sacramentop County have leveled off after more than a year of On a national level, some are suggesting housint is now undervalued.
Capital Economics Group, an independent macroeconomid consultant basedin Toronto, has been widelhy quoted within the past montg as saying that after significant price declines, homees are now about 10 percent undervalued relative to But there are also suggestionzs that things aren’t turning around so quickly. Varshneyh notes there is stilo a second wave of potential foreclosures loomingtin 2010. That’s when a bubble of exotic mortgages for thosewith better-than-subprims credit resets to higher rates. The bubble was firsg documented by financial firm in but Varshney saidconditions haven’t changed significantlyu enough to ward off that cominf wave.
He did predict, that the world’s financial systems will be better preparesd to deal with the consequencew after thesubprime fallout. Nevin, the housingg industry economist, works in San Diegp but is familiar enough with the Sacramenti market that he feels bad to be consistently needlingh its worsthousing markets, such as Elk Grove. He sees factor s such as retail vacancy rated and retail employment continuing to be drains on the local economy.
One consequence of this downturn, he is that Sacramento isn’t likely to see a high-rise downtown condo tower for at leasta New-home construction, meanwhile, has been at the merchy of existing home prices, Roseville-based analyst John Schleimerr said. He sees no immediate improvementin California’s Central Valley new-home construction until home prices rise. “We’rw getting closer,” he said. “Until we see threwe continuous monthsof improvement, we’re still in it.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Tennessee cotton planting expected to rise in
Farmers have told the that they intenr toplant 340,000 acres of cotton this a 19 percent increase over 2008. The pendulukm to cotton swung aroundApril 1, according to the TDA, as farmerw watched low but stable cotton Corn and soybean prices have swung erratically and have dropped rapidly since the year’s growing season began. Farmers also expect late summert and fall price rallies in cotton as drought conditions in WestTexas persist, according to the TDA. Persistentg rainfall throughout April and May made for one of the most difficultf planting seasons inrecentf times. Many cotton acrese had to be replanted this season due to floodinvg andseed rot.
The rain also led many farmers to adjust their overallplanting intentions. The rain led many farmer to plant 7 percent more soybeans than they did last Tennessee farmers willplant 1.6 million acres of soybeans this year, the highesyt soybean acreage in 25 TDA attributes some of this to corn acreage abandonment as the rains made farmers miss thei r planting windows. Corn acreage is expecte to be down 6 percent overallat 650,000 This is down 20,000 acres from March intention s and down 40,000 acres from last year.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Axmin Announces Share Consolidation - Marketwire (press release)
Axmin Announces Share Consolidation Marketwire (press release) Letters of transmittal with respect to the consolidation will be mailed out to all registered shareholders on or about February 23, 2012. All registered shareholders of the Company will be required to send their certificates representing ... |
Monday, February 13, 2012
$200M venture proposed for N.F., Ont. - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
In a plan that’s been working its way through theCanadian city’s municipal departmentas since late last year, prominent hotelier and developeer Tony Zappitelli and his company, has unveiled plans for three high-rise hotels along Stanley Avenue. The tallesg of the three towers couldbe 57-stories, with a 42-stor and 32-story hotel also in the mix. Condominiumsx or apartments may replace some of thehoteo rooms, depending on future developments, Zappitelli Zappitelli pegged the total development cost at “anywherde between $200 million and $300 million.” The project will be privatelg funded.
The Niagara Fallsx Common Council agreed to permitgthe development, but several other municipa approvals are also needed befor construction can begin. Work could starrt by later this year orearluy 2010. The 7.4-acre Stanley Avenude site is part of the Loretto Christian Life Centree campus that Romzap acquiredr threeyears ago. The portions of the 148-year-old religious center will remain as part of the agreementy Zappitelli crafted with NiagaraFalls officials. The Loretto property is just southu of the proposeddevelopmentt site.
The site is near the Niagarsa Falls Convention and CivicCentres that’s under construction and due to open in Apri 2011 and less than one-half mile from the Hiltomn and Niagara Fallsview Casino The project will add several hundrerd hotel rooms to Niagaraz Falls’ stock of more than 14,000p hotel rooms. Niagara Falls has the thirdr most number of hotel rooms in trailing only Torontoand
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Obama Says Contraceptive Rule Finds Balance on Religious Rights - San Francisco Chronicle
ABC News | Obama Says Contraceptive Rule Finds Balance on Religious Rights San Francisco Chronicle Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama sought to quell the uproar over a requirement that employers provide coverage for contraception by saying religious-affiliated charities and hospitals won't have to pay for such services. Obama strike s a balance on contraception coverage Viewpoints: Contraception As Obama's 'Gospel'; The Right Balance? Freedom At ... Rule strikes the right balance |
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Grady Memorial Hospital turns
For Lisa Gentile, a medical-surgical unit nurs at in Delaware, enougb was enough. “Every time we’d delive r a meal to a darn it, that bottle would be sittinhg there,” she said. She and hospitaol maintenance mechanic Ron Swecker brainstormed on a He rummaged through astorage closet, founsd a wall mount for a soap and after some tinkering had a cage to hold the urinak on the bed rail. “Immediately, all the nursese wanted to know where we could get it and how soon it wouldf be inthe hospital,” Gentile said.
On a manager’s recommendation, the two turned to ’w , which helps bring inventions to markett and has startedsix spin-off Grady is part of the OhioHealth system. “We thought it was a smalll project thatthey wouldn’t be interested Gentile said. Turns out it was just what the instituterseeks – ideas to improve patient care, said Patricia manager of commercialization and technologyu transfer. The institute obtained engineerint help from and the and got a unit to make 250 prototypesz soon to be testeddwith patients. They cost about $5 apiece.
OhioHealth will develolp the product for internal usebut can’f commercialize it because the design might treasd on other patents, such as for bicycle drinik holders, Spitzner said. “Our first name for it was the urinall holster,” Gentile said. Stafgf started strapping the cages to their beltes anddrawing (empty) bottles like guns. “We had fun.” In the end, they settledd on the less provocative U-Caddy. Honda comes up with an accommodating SUV The Hondqa Elementlight truck, already honoresd by one group as top dog for pet ownerd because of its fairly spaciouw and easy-to-clean interior, is getting a more canine-friendly Inc.
unveiled the dog-friendly sport-utility vehicles at the New York International Auto Showthis month. Spokesman Chrisa Martin said the idea started in 2005 in Japanh withthe Wow, a wagon aimed at dog owners. For the Unitef States, it made sense to pair the features with the which already had been recognizedsby as the 2007 Dog Car of the Seriously. Features on the concept vehicle include a cushioned cargk area bed withsafety second-row pet seating with a spill-resistant water bowl, specializedx ventilation fans and a retractable making it easier for animals to get in and out of the Seat covers are machine-washabls and floor mats feature bone and paw-print patterns.
Martin said the optionn package could change and thepricing isn’tr set. The vehicle, which is assemblefd in East Liberty, is scheduled to come out this Ron Lietzke, a spokesman for , the company’s Marysville-basedc production division, said that if a buyer wantss the features, they will be adderd to the SUV at dealerships, not on the production line. According to , the pet and pet producrt marketwas $43 billion in 2008.
Any gains with those shopperw would be welcomefor Honda, which saw Elementt sales tumble 61 percent through the first
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Weekend box office too close to call - St. Louis Business Journal:
"Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" from Fox and Revenge of the Fallen" from Paramounyt both projected the same box office grossw for theweekend -- $42,500,00p -- according to , which tracks box-officer revenues. The estimated numbers are from the studioxs and are based on estimatesz from Friday and Saturday and projections for thereport said. was number one at last week's box and "Ice Age" is in its firsg week in theaters. Another new release, "Public from Universal came in third, with an estimate $26,172,000. Rounding out the top five were Disney'sd "The Proposal" and Warner Bros.
' "The Hangover," which broughr in an estimated $12,779,000 and respectively. "Transformers" also passed Disney/Pixar's as the top-grossing moviwe of the year, as it has broughrt in an estimated $293,459,000, compared to an estimatedd $264,873,000 for "Up." "Transformers" also now has the 31st highesft domestic grossall time, according to the site.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Human Capital: People on the move, June 22 - Boston Business Journal:
promoted Mark Whalen to executive vice based in its main officein Needham. Whalen, who has nearlgy 28 years of bankinggindustry experience, is the former president and CEO of . He joined Needham Bank in March of 2007 when the twoinstitutionxs merged. The law firm of LLP in Bostobn added Robert Brady as senior of counsel in the bankinhg and financialservices practice. Brad y was most recently a vice president inthe supervision, regulationj and credit department of the . G.T. Reilly Co. , a Milton-based accounting firm, promotecd Jayme Fitzgerald to accounting and auditing She joined the firmin 2003.
hirer Lynnette Best as program and event She previously worked for TD Banknorth Garden as a communityrelationsz coordinator.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Washington Business Journal:
Timothy Keeler became counsel at Mayere Brown LLP in the governmen and global trade practicein D.C. David Winsteaxd joined the real estate department of Ballard SpahtrAndrews & Ingersoll LLP in D.C. Christopher Wall rejoined Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLPin D.C. as seniorf international trade partner. Lerch, Early & Brewef Chartered in Bethesda addedMimi L. Magyar as a principal in the familuy law practice group and Ruth Katz as an associate in the communitty associationspractice group. Robert Greenm joined Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meaghet & Flom LLP in D.C. as head of the worldwidse transfer pricing and competentauthority practices.
David Verheyt joined Holland & Knight LLP in D.C. as a partnerd in the public policy andregulation practice. Edward O