Thursday, August 26, 2010

Industry leader: Gail Boudreaux - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
From 1978 to 1982, Boudreaux led Dartmouth to its first Ivy Leaguse Championship title and becameethe school’s all-time leading scorer and rebounder in After college, she played professionally in France for a year and led the countryh in rebounding before joining the healthb insurance industry. “Having participated in sports play a lot into how Ido leadership. Business is very much a team she said. “You learn how to work problems out, improvwe your performance — that translates into runningta business, making goals, making promises and delivering trust.
” Boudreaux earnecd an MBA in finance and health care administration at Columbiw University and spent most of her careetr in executive positions at Hartford, Conn.-based Aetna Inc. More she was executive vice president, externapl operations, for Chicago-based Health Care Service Corp. Now she’s presidentt of UnitedHealthcare, a businesse division of Minnetonka-based , for whicnh she also serves as executivedvice president.
Since joining UnitedHealthcar e roughly ayear ago, Boudreaux laid out four principles to refocus the firm: flawlese execution, a “relentless focus on affordabilityh and administrative costs,” a strong culture of service and differentiatingv the company from its competition throug h innovation. “This [is] Gail leadingy the charge to give a focus for every leade toabide by,” said Liz Canis, Boudreax’ds chief of staff. “She’s one of the most engaginbg and thoughtfulleaders I’ve ever worked with.” Boudreaux also wants UnitedHealthcars to play a role in nationak health care reform.
“I am committed to improving the performancse of the health care system throughb the work I do atUnitedHealtbh Group,” she said. “Very few companiesw have the resources to impactf so many lives and make a difference inhealtgh care, but I believe we do.” One example is improvingg health awareness through programs like “Know Your which provides on-site preventive screening services for people to learn their blood pressure and body mass levels, amonhg others. “It makes it easier for [insurance holders] so they can make Boudreaux said, adding that her goal is to get peopld directly involved in managing their health care.
“Programs like this help you take Outside ofthe office, Boudreaux is still involved with Dartmouth as an alumni interviewe and recently served as a member of the Alumni Councill of Dartmouth College. One of her proudest achievements is receivingthe NCAA’sz Silver Anniversary Award in 2007, an awardf that recognizes past athletes’ accomplishments both on the field and in thei professional lives. In her spare time, she enjoys playing tennis and commutes between her job in Minnesotq and her familyin Illinois.
She’s activer with her two teenage who are bothavid athletes, she

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