Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lancaster Festival: Trio impresses audience with musical riffs, tunes - Lancaster Eagle Gazette


Lancaster Festival: Trio impresses audience with musical riffs, tunes

Lancaster Eagle Gazette

On tunes like "Little Brother," "St. Louis Blues," and "Cow Cow Blues," Braun delivered a musical clinic on old-time piano blues. Between songs, he entertained the crowd with stories of early blues musicians he has met, including Little Brother ...

and more &raqu! o;

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Groton's Matt Harvey, Mets' prospect, makes appearance in New Britain - Torrington Register Citizen



Groton's Matt Harvey, Mets' prospect, makes appearance in New Britain

Torrington Register Citizen

A sm »

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Area almost lost rising educational leader to Chicago - Business First of Louisville:

On her way to the president’s office, though, 30, now serves as assistant dean of student life atin Originally, Springer had her heart set on attending , a private libera l arts school in Tiffin, Ohio. But even with the help of she couldn’t afford to attened the out-of-state school. So she looked aroundx her home. So she considered , and , whered she earned the first ofthree higher-education degreews in 2000. “At Spalding, the student population was about the same as she said. “I lived on campus my junioer andsenior year. I was involved in clubd and organizations … and the professionalp staff encouraged me to take onleadership roles.
She was editoe of the student newspaper there forthrer years, served in student government and was a student memberr of the board of trustees during her senioer year. After graduation, she thought about a career elsewherre and spent a couple of months at in pursuinga master’s degree in She discovered that wasn’t the career she wantedc and returned to Louisvillr to get a master’zs degree in educational psychology and counseling from U of L. “Muy roots are here,” she said. “ was lucky to have built strong sociap andprofessional networks. Thosde contacts have opened doorafor me, and there is no reasonn to go somewhere else.
” Springer’s job at Ivy Tech involvews the out-of-classroom experience for the school’s 4,40 students. She works with them in the areasa of resume development and job placement and helps make sure therde are appropriate accommodations forhandicapped students, opportunities for communityh service and involvement with socialo and educational organizations. “One of my strengths is my abilityu to manage and lead she said. “I love to help peoplr develop and reachtheir potential. I enjo y being in leadership roles.” One of her recent projects has been implementingf an emergency response system in the event ofan “actived shooter on campus.
” “Ws need to identify the potential for high-risk she said. “We need to be more proactivs than reactive.” Springer said she is glad she made the decisiomn not to move away and starty acareer elsewhere. She finds plenty to like abour Louisville. “I love the Highlands,” she “I play volleyball at Baxter Jack’s and like to eat at Wick’ds Pizza or Sapporo Japanese Grill. Walkint Bardstown Road is fun. It is easy to find a placw witha band.” At the students were split abouy 50/50 between staying in Louisville or movingv somewhere else to start their careers, she said.
The universityg also had a stronginternational population, and many student returned to their homes in Belize or Australia. The students she worked with at U of L were ambitiouseand “were ready and willing to go anywhere,” she But the students at Ivy Tech tend to graduate and stay in the “They have solid roots here and want a careet here.” Just like

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Earthquakes to play at Santa Clara U. - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:

"We look forward to making upgrades to Buck Shaw Stadium in order to improvre the soccer experience for notonly Earthquake'sa fans but also Santa Clara soccer said Michael Crowley, president of the Earthquakes and the Oaklansd Athletics. The Earthquakes played in San Jose for more than a decadre at San Jose State Universith before being moved to Houstonin 2005. Lew Wolfft and other Oakland A'sx owners won an exemption from Major League Soccer to bring the team back for the 2008 seasom despite a major league rule that bars the purchase of a team withoutrpermanent facilities.
The Earthquakes announced toda y they will upgrade BuckShaw Stadium, namefd for a former Santa Clara footballk coach, including adding 5,00 temporary seats and a digital portabld video score board. The team will also renovats a practice field on University will expand hospitality areae and will reconfigure stadium lightwfor soccer. "The upgrades to the stadiun and practice field will greatly benefit our nationalluy recognized soccer programs as they continue to compete with the best collegiates teams inthe country," said Dan Santa Clara University director of athletics and recreation.
"We look forward to a strong relationship with the Earthquakes in the future with the potential of hostingy college cups and other soccer eventz in theSouth Bay." The Earthquakes are awaiting approval on a plan to construct a new 18,000-sea stadium near the Minetaz San Jose International Airport. The plan hinges on zoningg changes that would allow Earthquakes owners to build homews on industrial land in the Edenvalew neighborhood to financethe stadium. The San Jose City Councip will likely make a judgment on the rezoningv plan at its general plan update meetinb scheduledfor February.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stratus Building Solutions enters New Jersey market - St. Louis Business Journal:

JCDC is affiliated with The a non-denominational church in Piscataway, N.J., whose congregation workes to create jobs in disadvantaged local communities and which raised funds to help acquire and operate the Stratus master franchise, according to a release. The franchise will be knowb as Stratus Building Solutions of CentralNew Jersey. The St. Louis-basex franchisor of retail, commercial and industrial building cleaninv services now has franchises in 13 state since it was founded in 2004 by Denniz Jarrett andPete Frese. Stratus had 2006 revenue of morethan $4.
5 A Stratus spokesman said the New Jersey mastetr franchise is planning to hire 7 to 12 employeesd and plans to open 50 sub-franchises per year over the next threre years. , Stratus announces it entered theFlorida market. At the Jarrett said the company had400 sub-franchises units nationwide with a goal of havinb 500 units by the end of 2007. Stratus Building Solutions operates its own master franchise in St. Louis and has awarded 260 sub-franchise units in the metropolitan area.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Emmy snubs the supernatural plus 'Glee,' 'The Closer' actresses - Los Angeles Times



Emmy snubs the supernatural plus 'Glee,' 'The Closer' actresses

Los Angeles Times

'The Walking Dead' and 'True Blood' are left out of the nominations as are 'Kyra Sedgwick and Lea Michele. Kyra Sedgwick in "The Closer." (TNT / Associated Press) By Greg Braxton, Los Angeles Times A bad moon rose on the Emmy hopes of vampires and ...

Emmy snubs the supernatural plus 'Glee,' 'The Closer' actresses

The Tennessean

'Hawaii Five-0' gets Emmy nomination for stunt work

Honolulu Star-Advertiser


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More stimulus funds close to being released to region - Dallas Business Journal:

The first monies to make it into the Lone Star statweare “programmatic” funds money that’s going to established programs and mapped-ouft projects. That fits the “shovel-ready” criteria, but in most the hands on the shovel had alreadybeen picked. Stimuluas funds for Medicaid, $250 checks to Sociaol Security recipients and unemployment insurancefunds (despitee Gov. Rick Perry’s objections) have made theidr way to Texas pockets. For businesseas not already plugged into those the interesting part of the federal stimulus packages has yet tobegin flowing.
“Most of that moneu is waiting to be but we’re getting very close,” said Mary Scott president and CEO of , an Austin-based business whicy helps businesses find government contracts. That money is tied to competitivee grant programs administered by an alphabet soup of federal andstate agencies. Most of those agencies are refininy the criteria bywhich they’ll pick projectx to fund and should soon have applicatiomn deadlines set. For example, the U.S. Department of Energy is set to finalized its criteria for electricity grid upgrade projects byJune 17.
At this at least $18 billiojn is slated for Texas — $15 billio to state agencies and $3 billion directly to local governments andregional That’s only a starter number. Other funds awarderd by federal agencies could also flow to Texas and loan guarantee programs could add to that The City of Dallas is in line toreceive $32.54 million in stimulus money for energy community development and other projects. It also is applyinb for competitive grants that could add tothat total. at least $615 million has been dedicated to specific regional roadway and transit according to the North Central Texa Councilof Governments.
That includeds $250 million for the D-FW a new interchange reconfiguring the awkward intersection of StatreHighway 121, Interstate 635 and State Highway 114 north of Dallas/Forgt Worth International Airport as well as $16.7 million for the planned Woodall Rodgers deck park abovr Woodall Rodgers Freeway between downtown and Uptown Both those are instances of projects that were already on the drawing board, said Mike executive director of the counciol of governments, an association of governments in the Dallas-Fort Wort h region. “These were projects that were ready to he said.
The stimulus money has “just expedited the projectsx during a time that construction prices are On anational scale, about 7% of the stimulu s funds have been put into said Nabers, whose Austin-based business focuses on informing businessexs about government contracting opportunities. Many watchers generallgy would have hoped to see more moneyy inthe marketplace, but given the magnitude of the stimulusw package, government agencies are moving cautiously. “As much as it’s got to be fair and it’s got to be Nabers said. “It’s probably fair (that) it’s goinvg a little slower.
” In fact, a slow pace at the outseyt ofthe two-year, $787 billionn package was broadly said Ken Simonson, chief economist of the Associatedf General Contractors of America. “When we heard the we knew there would be a lot of spacee between the video opportunity and the actua lcontracting opportunity,” he said. “But I’lol be disappointed if we don’t see a big pickupo over the nextseveral weeks.” In the construction companies and any business interestef in getting engaged in stimulus-funded work should be on the lookourt for potential opportunities. “The best thinyg is to keep your eyes andears open,” Simonsonm said.
“These (stimulus project) announcements have been coming fromall There’s no single channel you can tune in Nabers suggests that businesses looking to land government work begin zeroin in on the projects that best fit theie skills. After that, pick the communitie where they would like to work and get to know the end userw ofthose funds. “The first thinf you need to realizew is those are taxpayerdollars — you’rw entitled to know how they’re goinfg to use it,” she said. “Shy peoples need to get over it and askquestions — be “The one with most information will be the most competitive.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Delta integrates international offerings - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

Delta said it would standardize this month the services offererd passengers aboard Delta and Northwestinternational "June marks another majof milestone in our merger with Northwest as we introduce high-quality products on board Delta and Northwest aircraftt operating internationally," Joanne Smith, seniorr vice president of in-flight service, said in a "We continue to bring together the best of both airlinese to create one best-in-class experiencr for customers traveling with us worldwide.
" Atlanta-based Delta DAL) said services would be integrated aboarde all long-haul international aircraf with BusinessElite cabins (formerly known as "World Business Class" aboard Northwest jets). BusinessElite passengers on both carriers can choose from meals created by celebrity chef Michelle Bernstein and wines picked by master sommelier Andrea Delta also plans to rollout “amenityh kits” by Greek skincare company . Economy passengers will be offered complimentary beer and wine on Deltas and Northwestinternational flights.
Liquor and signature mixex drinks by Rande Gerbert will be availablefor $7 Economy passengers will also be offered an upgraded hot breakfast on international flights longer than 3,800 miles. The new international offeringz are a continued step in the integration of the two carrieras intothe world’s largest airlines. inked a new joint venture agreemeng with

Friday, July 8, 2011

Are you getting educated for sales success? - bizjournals:

You see, I never have been very good at but neither have I found its more exotif forms to be practical in my One such example would be the subjectgof Microeconomics. I encountered this course when I was in graduatd school earningan MBA, and Microeconomics, along with its evil Macro, was required coursework for my degree. My professor, a world-renowned expertf in this subject, was a woman so intellectuallu beyond my level I knew five minutes into the cours e that Iwas doomed. I, a mathematiczs Neanderthal, was about to be brain-whipped by my evolutionary superior, Professor Cro-Magnon.
The next 10 weekz of my life were a blur ofuntranslatable gibberish, slung at light-speed across an expanse of dry-erase hour on end, day after long- suffering day. As a resultt of this “education,” I learned a total of three new First, that exceptionally brighg people should be quarantined with peoplw who have equallyexceptional intellect, and not teacy the rest of us; Second, that the best way to avoid academivc disaster is to align oneselcf with classmates who can translate foreign languages such as Third, that this experience was a complete and uttere waste of my time, sleep, and most importantly, my You see, as a payinh customer who put himself through school, I have not heard the wordsw sine, cosine, and tangeny used together a singlee time, in a single sentence, on a singlre occasion, in the 15 years sinced I escaped with a “Gentlemen’s C” in What, I ask, was the educational valude of this experience, and why was I required to pay for it?
My purposs here is not to disparage academia, although I firmly believe that much of what colleges offer today is, at marginally useful in business. No matter; our society defines beinhg “educated” as being “degreed.” Whether you learn anythinhg useful along the way seems to be besidesthe point. What I do know is in looking back at my six years of college education and the two degrees I have to showfor it, I couls sum up the practical-use value of what I learnedc on the front and back of two sheetsa of notebook paper.
Whicu brings me to the poinft ofthis article: the best educatio n that one can receiver in business isn’t taught in yet too many sales people don’t recognize this. They fail to see the link betweenh continuing their education and furtheringtheir achievement. Some • The uneducated sales persoj cold-calls 100 prospects to get two the educated one contacts 25 andgets • The uneducated sales person meetx routinely with people who have no buyin authority; the educated one meets routinely with decision-makers. • The uneducatedf sales person drops their pricing upon the educated sales person negotiatesa win-win without affecting profit margin.
Where does one become better educatex whenin sales? Here are some “schools” to consider:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Schwarzenegger says day of reckoning is here - Business First of Louisville:

“California’s day of reckoninvg is here,” he said. With no action, the statse could run out of cash in14 days. Three month s after the state budgetwas approved, California facea a $24 billion deficit. Schwarzenegger has alreadty proposed massive cutsto education, health care and Now he’s looking for structural reforn to make government more efficient and stretch taxpayer He’s asked the State Board of Education, for example, to make textbooks available in digital formats — a move that could save In 2004, the governor talked about blowing up boxe and consolidating agencies, but the initiatives never gained traction. They’re back.
Schwarzenegger is proposint once again to eliminate and consolidate more than a dozenmstate departments, boards and commissions. This includes the Wasts Management Board, the Court Reporters Board, the Department of Boatin g and Waterways and the Inspection and MaintenancrReview Committee. Earlier this year, the state begam consolidating informationtechnology departments. Now Schwarzeneggert wants to consolidate departments that overseer financial institutions and merge taxcollection operations. In July, state leaders will receive recommendationse on how to modernize thetax code.
“This will be a tremendous opportunith to make our revenues more reliable and less volatilde and help the state avoifd the boom and bust budgets that have brought ushere today,” Schwarzenegget told lawmakers. It’s not going to happe n in 14 days, he But it could happen before the Legislature adjourns for summert recess onJuly 17.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

An iPhone app that alerts you how to manage power - Economic Times


An iPhone app that alerts you how to manage power

Economic Times

WASHINGTON: A team at the University of Arkansas and the University of San Francisco , led by an Indian-origin computer science researcher , has developed an iPhone automated energy-management system that monitors energy generation and consumption in ...

and more »

Friday, July 1, 2011

Pete Rock Speaks On How The NYPD Scuffle Began, Vows "Enough Is Enough" - HipHopDX


New York Post

Pete Rock Speaks On How The NYPD Scuffle Began, Vows "Enough Is Enough"


UPDATE: In the aftermath of the police scuffle at New York City's Tammany H »