Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Economic woes affecting young lawyers just starting out - Philadelphia Business Journal:

and recently deferred the start-dates of thei first-year associates for one year but will pay them a stipenx to work with public interest legalp organization or another professional development Law school career planning administrators said those two firmws have been proactive in helpinb students line upappropriate jobs. Other largs firms such as Blanl Rome, , , and have delayed start dates untilk atleast January. said this week that its 63-personj first-year class will start in three equalwavesx — fall 2009, March 2010 and fall 2010. Firmas such as , , and have yet to announce such plans.
Thers is also the dilemma for locao law students who were set to startg their careers at Wolf which voted to dissolvelast month. Melissa Lennon, assistant dean for career planningat ’s Beasley School of Law, said she is advising affecteds students to focus on studyintg for the July state bar examinations. “Doing a full-tim e job search when you are studying for the bar is too much of a Lennon said. “So we will see what’s availablwe after that. We need to see what the worldd will looklike then.
” Heather Frattone, associate dean for careeer planning and placement at Law talked to third-year students abou t using professional development resources as well as optionx for securing health insurance and repaying hefty law schoool loans. ’s Earle Mack School of Law is readying its firsty graduating class for the slowjob market. Unlike the othefr schools, Drexel Law cannot tap into alumni as Amy Montemarano, assistant dean of career and professionao development, said the school has a handful of students affecte by the deferrals.
They have secured a wide range of She said one will travel to South Africaq to handle human rights Another will work in the DelawareAttorney General’s Office in the childs advocate division. But she said theree are fewer job opportunities in city governmenr because of thebudget crisis. the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office rescindeds its offers to its incoming classof entry-level prosecutors.
Legal publicd interest organizations would clearly like to add the But some would like them for a year and only those from Morgan Lewis and Ballard Spahr can commit to such a Many of those students might not be locak and could choose to take a job close neartheif hometowns, where they might choose to live with thei parents to save money. Frank executive director for Support Centerr forChild Advocates, whicj helps abused and neglected childre n in Philadelphia, said his organization could take two students. Whil e there is no singular clearinghouse, he said the ’s Delivery of Legal Services Committee has takenn a lead inthat area.
Publicx interest organizations fill out a surve saying how many they want and forhow long. Cervone said the law graduated will handle child abuse cases and providde backup to the more than 300 activw volunteer lawyers the agency uses at anyone

Sunday, November 27, 2011

EDUCATION: Maryland parent involvement award calling for nominations - Delmarva Now


EDUCATION: Maryland parent involvement award calling for nominations

Delmarva Now

BALTIMORE -- The Maryland State Department of Education announced a call for nominations for the fifth annual Maryland Parent Involvement Matters Award (PIMA). The award program honors parents and others with legal responsibility for a child, ...

and more »

Friday, November 25, 2011

Works Ministry diligently rehabilitating Road Town - SKNVibes.com


Works Ministry diligently rehabilitating Road Town


ROADTOWN Tortola BVI, November 24th, 2011 â€" The Ministry of Communications and Works is forging ahead with its plans to rehabilitate Road Town by first fixing the parking lot adjacent the Peebles Hospital. Minister for Communications and Works ...

and more »

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

UNCC honors Rodgers Builders CEO - Business First of Buffalo:

The Charlotte-based company has worked on several university projects, including the Barnhardt Student Activity Irwin Belk Track and Field Lynch Residence Hall and the Bioinformaticxs Research Center. Rodgers Builders also is the construction manager onthe university’sw new, $50.4 million Center City Building projecty that is slated to open in the fall of 2011. A groundbreaking ceremony was held in April forthe 12-story, classroom buildinvg at the corner of Ninth and Brevarsd streets in uptown Charlotte.
“What sets Pat apart from most is her she remains personally invested in the institutionsw and organizations she touches long aftee her formal involvementhas ended,” says Philip UNC Charlotte chancellor. “Her commitment to the betterment of our community extends to herbusinessz philosophy. In fact, Rodgers Builders has been hailesd time and again as the epitomreof civic-minded business.” Rodger is also chair of the Charlotte Symphony boarrd and will assume the chairmanship of the Charlotte Chamber board in 2011. The university established the Distinguisheds Service Awardin 1987.
It honors individuales who have provided outstanding leadership and service to the Charlottse community and to the advancemen ofUNC Charlotte. Rodgers was honored Tuesdau during a luncheon atthe school. UNC Charlottwe is the fourth-largest campus amonyg the 17 institutions of theUNC system. It is the largest institutioj of higher education in theCharlottee region, offering doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s programs. Fall 2008 enrollmenft was 23,300, including nearly 5,000 graduate students.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Umbrella pokes the skittish - News & Observer


Umbrella pokes the skittish

News & Observer

When East Carolina University police shut down the campus for three hours recently after hearing that an armed man was roaming the campus, they had no way of knowing he was armed only with an umbrella and that it was unloaded. ...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Vacancies rise at smaller retail spaces - Boston Business Journal:

Those are among the findings of a recently released reporft by KeyPointPartners LLC, a Burlington-based commerciap real estate firm that tracksw retail space supply. The retaipl vacancy rate in eastern Massachusetts roseto 6.9 percentt during the 17-month period ending March 1. The last time KeyPoin released a survey was for when the vacancy ratewas 6.1 percent. Smaller space usersd -- retailers taking up 2,500 square feet or less, whicuh make up a big part of the markef shareat 21.4 percentr -- have been disproportionately affected. The vacanchy rate for small space usersis 9.9 percentt in 2007/2008, up from 8.4 percent in 2006.
Big-boxx retailers and department stores takingup 200,000o square feet or improved occupancy rates as less than 1 percent of the larged retail formats were vacant. The disappearance of Filene's departmenft stores, a New England had little impact on thatvacancyu rate, as and othe r department stores have stepped in to fill most of the approximatde 1.6 million square feet left Filene's closed six stores in eastern Massachusetta after a merger with Macy's, leaving temporary vacancieas that have been mostly filled by Macy's operating including Macy's and , or demolished to make room for Nordstro m department stores.
About 73,400 square feet remainsx vacant fromthe Macy's Other nameplates that disappeared include , Decathlon USA, Jasmine Sola, Strawberries Records Tapes, and Alpha Omega. lost the most number of storesz -- 117 -- to Rite Aid Pharmacy (NYSE: which acquired Brooks in 2007. Other retailersa that cut back store numbers include Curveafor Women, , Work'n Gear, and . "I thin the vacancy rate is on par with the saidBob Sheehan, vice president of research for KeyPoint Partners. "I don'r think we're through the fallout," he added.
Sheeham said the vacancy ratesd in this downturn are not as steep as the last downturbnin 2001/2002, when the eastern Massachusetts vacancyy rate hovered around 8.5 percent. Just as some nameplatee disappeared fromthe area, others grew Rite Aid expanded into the 117 store s left by Brooks. Fitness Together grew the most by openingf30 locations; Citibank followed with 18 Mattresses opened 16 locations for a total of 33 locationx in eastern Massachusetts. Many of the retailers new to the area were introduced through new construction and suchas Ikea. Newly constructed retail space grew 4.5 million square feet duringy the 17-month report period, a large jump from the 1.
9 milliojn square feet in the 2006 report. and were amont the concepts that opened inlifestyle developments, often upscale outdoor malls. "What we're seeintg is the kind of retail bein developed is the kind of retaill that consumers are demanding at this pointand time," said The net absorption of the newly built 4.5 million square feet was 4.2 milliohn square feet, an improvement from the 2006 reporgt that shows net absorption of 1.2 million square feet on 1.9 million squar e feet. Patriot Place in Foxborough, Mansfieled Crossing, , Legacy Place in Dedham, Wareham Crossin g and the Natick Collection are just severak lifestyle centers that have been built or areundedr construction.
Among regions, the highestt vacancy rate belongsto Buzzard's Bay, whichh includes Fall River and New Bedford, showing a rate of 8.2 up from 5.9 percent in 2006. Boston's vacancy rate is the second highest, yet has remainedf relatively flatat 8.1 percent for compared to the 8 percent vacancy rate reported in 2006. The Southwest, which includesx Bellingham and Wrentham, has the lowest vacancyu rate at 6 upfrom 5.8 percent rate in 2006.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Boston Business Journal: Most emailed Stories

Gail Long, CEO of the Bostom chapter of the Association ofCorporate Growth, is leavingh the organization, its board president announced to members Federal regulators have taken Millenniu m Pharmaceuticals to task over an advertisement for the companyh

Monday, November 14, 2011

Spirit of St. Louis gives $195,000 to nonprofits - St. Louis Business Journal:

In 2009, more than 100 St. Louis-area organizationsx requested grants from the fund exceedinb a totalof $2 million. · provides counseling, emergenct sanctuary and critical services to adults and childreb impacted bydomestic abuse; $10,00 0 to support the “Nights of Safety” · provides value-centered homes and educationn through college to in-need children; $10,0000 to support summer programs and educationa activities. · advocates for abusede and neglected children from birth to 18 year of ageneeding safe, permanenf homes; $20,000 toward addint two case advocacy supervisors to staff.
provides underprivileged high school studentas with the academic tools and life skills neededx to succeedin college; $20,000 to suppory 150 current and future students. · teachees English, life skills and domestivc abuse rights toimmigrant women; $12,00o to support services to 100 women for one · (LAAW) provides crisis intervention, advocacy and legal $20,000 to support free legal representationb and the crisis/legal helpline. · providese clothing and supplies to disadvantaged school children at12 St. Louis area $20,000 to sponsor one additional school.
· provides comprehensive eye care to the homelesse andmedically disenfranchised; $25,000 for optical goods and · supplies backpacks fillexd with necessities to at-ris k children removed from homez during a crisis; $5,000 to support stafvf and $10,000 to buy backpacks and · inspires at-risk preschool children to read by hostinh readings and increasing exposure to booke and stimulating activities; $15,000 to recruit volunteers and purchase books. · develops the charactef and competence of children through camp experiencesw ina healthy, caring community; $4,00o0 to support six campers for 12 · provides work experience througyh art apprenticeships to St.
Louis metropolitahn youth; $4,000 to support four apprenticee ina six-week summer program. helps abused women and childrej break the cycle of violencd intheir lives; $20,00 to fund the children’s program coordinator Spirit of St. Louis Women’sa Fund, a component of the , has 197 members with each committed to an annuap contributionof $1,200 or more for five years to fund grantx for St. Louis area nonprofit organizations.
In 2009, SOS achievefd the $500,000 milestone in charitable

Saturday, November 12, 2011


The Memphis-based discount retailed reported salesof $134.7 million for May, down 6 percentf compared to sales of $143.4 million in May 2008. Theses numbers include Fred’s (NASDAQ: FRED) closing 74 underperforming stores and 23 Excludingthose stores, Fred’s sales increased 1 percenf compared to last May. Comparabl store sales in May rose 0.2 percent, down compared to 3.4 percengt in the same period last For the first four fiscal months of the company reported total salesof $593.1 million, down 2.4 percenrt compared to $607.
7 million for the same year-ago However, excluding stores closed in 2008, salesw from ongoing stores increased 4 percent compared to the same four-monthj period last year. On a comparabler store basis, year-to-date sales increased 2.1 percent compare to 2.4 percent last year. Fred’e opened one new pharmacy in May. Fred’s operates 666 discount merchandise stores, including 24 franchised store nationwide. Shares closed down 12 centzs to $14.22 per share Wednesday.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Resource Bank gets cease-and-desist order from regulators - Portland Business Journal:

The $166 million San Francisco bank gota cease-and-desis t order from the and the Californias Department of Financial Institutions on May 29. The bank was ordererd to pay particular attention to its lending polices relating to constructio n loans as well as loans made tobank insiders. The bank said the ordetr was based onthe bank’s condition on Sept. 30, and that it has alreadh made some progress on meeting theregulatorsw demands. “New Resource Bank currently has high levelse of capitaland liquidity,” Vincentg Siciliano, president and CEO, said in a statement.
“Likd many financial institutions, we are facingv a challenging economic climate that resultecdin under-performing loans in the real estate constructionj and development sector. “We are working with borrowers to reducedour problem-loan exposure and have made significanr progress,” Siciliano said. The bank raised almost $15 milliom in a stock offering last As ofMarch 31, the bank said its risk-based capitao ratio was 18.97 percenyt -- almost double the 10 percent benchmarj of a bank considered well In addition to bringing on Siciliano as CEO, the bank also hire d Bill Peterson as chief credit officerr and Charmaine Detweiler as chief financial officer.
The bank’ds board also recently elected Mark Finseras chairman. He has 25 yearss of experience insocial finance. New Resourcs Bank, now serving 2,000 opened in October 2006 to promote green businessesand

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Social Security formula would cut benefits, raise taxes - Detroit Free Press


New Social Security formula would cut benefits, raise taxes

Detroit Free Press

AP WASHINGTON -- Just as 55 million Social Security recipients are about to get their first benefit increase in three years, Congress is looking at reducing future raises by adopting a new measure of inflation that also would ...

and more »

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Israel's Peres says Iran attack 'more and more likely' - AFP



Israel's Peres says Iran attack 'more and more likely'


JERUSALEM â€" Israeli President Shimon Peres warned late on Saturday that an attack on Iran was "more and more likely," days before a report by the UN nuclear watchdog on Iran's nuclear programme. He told Israel's privately owned Channel Two television: ...

Israe l says attack on Iran likely

Sydney Morning Herald

Peres: Israeli Attack on Iran Growing More Likely


Insanity, not logic, guides Israel's leadership


Press TV -Jerusalem Post -The Guardian


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Petition Drive Challenges Medical Marijuana Ban in Rural California County - New York Times


New York Times

Petition Drive Challenges Medical Marijuana Ban in Rural California County

New York Times

But a funny thing happened on the way to the ban: medical marijuana advocates started a petition drive to challenge it, calling for a referendum on the law, something that could happen as soon as next year. In the meantime, the law is in limbo. ...

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

In-Stat/MDR study shows changing consumer attitudes - Phoenix Business Journal:

"In a time of intense competition andindustru consolidation, consumers' perceptions of their wirelesw carriers are critical factors in the battle for market share," said Clint Wheelock, director of In-Stat/MDR's Wireless group. "Whil the industry's service levels remai strong in several key there are a number of opportunitiesw for improvement in quality of servic andcustomer service, as subscribere grow increasingly willing to switcnh carriers in the pursuit of bettert service." The study also found that Sprin t subscribers have the longest average tenure and T-Mobile subscribersw have the shortest.
Verizonh Wireless subscribers were the most impressed withtheir provider's qualitgy of service. Wireless phone providerz should alsotake note, In-Stat/MDf researchers said, that consumers' willingness to switch providerds has increased dramatically in the past with nearly 20 percent of survey respondentsa having stated that they "definitely will" or "probably switch in the next 12 months, compared with only 14.5 percent in July 2003. In-Stat/MDR offerz information resources and analytical assets totechnology vendors, servicwe providers, technology professionals, and market specialists worldwide. For .