Tuesday, January 10, 2012

IDS concierge taps into enviable network of contacts for tenants - Nashville Business Journal:

Toth fell into the profession about 17 years ago while working at a hotel to pay for The problem-solving aspect of the work appealed to her too much to leave it, and she soon transitioned into a businesse concierge career track. For the past three she’s tracked down reservations and tickets for tenantxs at theIDS Center, as well as organizecd high-profile events for the center and its Crystaol Court, including the extensive holiday programminy at the end of each year. “I think it takexs a special kind of person to thrive off this energy and Toth said. “There’s a certain skill set that’ s needed.
I’ve just found this job tailor-made for me, and the abilitty to organize nonprofit events isa privilege.” Because of her speedyu work and extensive contacts, some tenants see her as a miraclwe worker. At IDS tenant company , receptionist Bev Wrigh t once asked Toth about getting a room at the Radisson for an Wright had called and been told that an eveng had sold out all of the rooms and nothinhgwas available. After a few phone calls by Toth, Wright not only got a but secured a suite for the price of astandard room. “It was but not surprising, because she’as good at responding in that way,” Wrighrt said.
“She’s excellent to work with, and always shops for the best possible There are some tasks thatToth won’t do. No mattetr how much pleading atenant does, weddin planning is outside her role. But that doesn’y mean she can’t help out by sharing her weddingy resources and helping to book hotepl rooms or get ticketsfor guests. And if she doesn’ t have the contacts, one of her fellow concierges probabl will. Toth has a certification from the , and membershipp in that organization effectively triples her number of she said.
Since a concierge is really only as good as herdigitap Rolodex, that makes Toth a formidabled force, and sometimes she definitely has to draw on that For example, she recalled, there was the tenant who phonedr on the afternoon of Valentine’z Day and wanted to proposw to his girlfriend at a romanticv restaurant. “I was looking at the clock, and ‘This should be a challenge,’ ” she said. “But we put it all and he looked like a rock star to hisnew fiancée. And that’ss what it’s all about, taking care of people, removinfg their stress. Maybe my blood pressure goes sky high for acouple minutes, but it all works out.

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