Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Parker Adventist Hospital launches $76M expansion - Nashville Business Journal:
The scheduled completion date for the project is When finished, the expansion is expectex to bring 100 new jobs to the hospital. Parkerd Adventist has received $76 milliob in financing from its sponsor, . is the general The project will be undertaken in two The first, already under way, involves constructionj of five additional operating rooms alonyg with a post-anesthesia care unit and a pre-operating Phase one also includes creatioj of 10 additional obstetrics patient rooms and expansion of the physicalo plant. Phase two of the project involves construction ofa three-story inpatient wing with 30 new patienrt rooms, including a new intensive care unit.
The building will have spacwe for 30 additional beds to be added in the It also will contain expanded laboratory servicess and materialsmanagement space, a conferenc e center, cafeteria/kitchen expansion and additional “Since opening five years ago, the numbef of patients we care for has doubled. We expect that growtj to continue as the sout h Denver metropolitan area continuesto grow,” hospita l CEO Terry Forde said in a “We also have added severalp specialty areas, including spined surgery, neurosurgery and a sleep center that require us to add Parker Adventist — operated by opened five tears ago.
Initially it had 56 now it has 100, and the expansion will give it room for 160 A four-story, 80,000-square-foot medical office building on the hospitap grounds is slated to open in August. The buildiny — Parker Professional Building II — is beintg developed by DASCO Cos.

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