Friday, December 28, 2012

'Up' avoids 'Hangover' at box office - Birmingham Business Journal:
"Up" brought in an estimatesd $44,244,000 in its second weekend, beatinbg out the new release from , which brough t in an estimated $43,275,000. Another new release, 'x "Land of the Lost," came in well in thirc with anestimated $19,524,000. According to a reporgt on Box Office Mojo, which tracks box-offic e revenue, "Up" was shown on about 6,70p0 screens at 3,818 sites and "The Hangover" was shown on about 4,500p screens at 3,269 sites. Coming in fourth was last week's number-two movie, "Nightg at the Museum: Battl of the Smithsonian" from , which broughr in an estimated $14,650,000.
Rounding out the top five is 'sw "Star Trek," which brought in an esimatedc $8,400,000. The report says that "Starf Trek" has brought in $222.8 million in 31 days, making it the second-biggesf box office smash in the "Star franchise, when adjusted for ticket pricw inflation. The top spot belong s to the original "Star The Motion Picture."

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Rentrak Announces Equity Grant to New CEO Bill Livek
June 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Rentrak Corporatiohn (Nasdaq: RENT), a leader in multi-screen media measurementr and research servingthe entertainment, media and advertisinf industry, today announced the grant of equity-based compensation to , the company' new Chief Executive Officer, as part of his overall compensation package. In connection with Livek' s hiring, the independent compensationh committeeof Rentrak's board of directors approved the granty of 213,750 restricted stock units, each of whicj represents a contingent right to receive one share of Rentrak commo n stock.
The restricted stock units will ifat all, upon satisfaction of performance goalds tied to achievement of (a) specifiex levels of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciationj and amortization ("EBITDA"), as modified by subtracting certain other over the current and next two fiscal or (b) trading-price targets for Rentrak's commojn stock ranging from $20 to $40 per sharer for 65 consecutive trading days during the periosd ending March 31, 2013.
Vesting of all or a portiobn of the restricted stock unites will also occur if a change in control of Rentrai occurs at price levels rangingfrom $20 to $40 per or if Livek's employment is terminatede prior to March 31, 2012, subjecg to certain exceptions. The compensatiom committee also approved the grant of employeed stock options topurchase 200,00o0 shares of Rentrak common stock and stock-settles stock appreciation rights ("SARs") relating to 75,000 These grants were made under Rentrak's 2005 Stoclk Incentive Plan approved by the company's shareholderas at its 2005 annual meeting. The stock option and SARs have an exercise or base pricweof $14.
50 per share, vest over four years, and have a 10-yeae term. Rentrak Corporation, based in Portland, Oregon, is an informatiom management company serving clients inthe media, entertainment, retail and advertisinhg industries. The company's near-term focuse centers on its Entertainment Essentials(R) suite of servicew that is redefining measurement in the digitalmediaw era. Available by subscription, each Entertainmenft Essentials service provides customerswith near-real-time, actionable insighty into performance of content distributed over a wide varietyg of modern media technologieds allowing executives to analyze detailes industry-wide and title-specific data to make decisiona that enhance the bottom line and provide competitives advantage.
For further information, please visit Rentrak'sa corporate Web site at . Investors PondelWilkinson Inc. Laurie Berman 310-279-596 2

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Building effective brand depends on consistency, repetition - bizjournals:
When building a brand, the goal is to be at once respectedand memorable. Regardless of whether it’s a Fortune 500 bran d or an emerging company, the same rulexs apply. Branding is not about stirring people into irrationalbuyinfg decisions. It’s about communicating the benefits and value a service orproduct provides. It’se a sophisticated process that combines proven techniques with creativs insight to uncoverthe company’s true There are three key tactical decisions for business ownerss to weigh when it comes to making a powerfup branding campaign.
First, good branding requires a consistent Think about the most commojn advertising campaigns for products instantly recognizedby all. Therer is a theme that runs throughg them. These campaigns express the organization’s core valuees and benefits, while drivinb home a simple andclear message. Maintaining this balance is very butthe time, effort and resources used to fine-tunde a brand’s voice can make a tremendouws difference to any organization’s bottom line. Second, analyze the competitionj to determine the best strategy for differentiating yourselg from others inthe marketplace.
The rebranding of Zoom Interactivw Marketing, a provider of direc mail and Webfiltering services, is a recen t example. An analysis showes that Zoom’s competitors appeared more technically focusedand dry. To highligh t Zoom’s differentiators, its branding campaign took on a youthful and humorousapproach — helping the companty to stand out. Third, repetition is the key. Every brandin g asset a company has, including its Web site, brochures, marketing materials and products, should all be working in concert to convey the brand message.
Being consistent is important right down toa company’s colorf scheme, fonts and familiar Studies show the typical consumer requires about 27 toucheds before they begin to build brand Many organizations think sitting on the sidelines, conservintg resources and weathering the economic storm is the best strategy to survive. But with a less crowdedc marketplace, this is a perfect opportunity for companiee to take advantage of the down market and expand their mind andmarket share.
While competitora hibernate, those being proactive can gain By using a strategivc approach that integrates the critical elementsof branding, companies with different, and captivating products and services can get the attention they seek to drive business.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Arizona high court rules with Western Union in dispute over Mexico transfer seizures - Denver Business Journal:
Englewood-based Western Union had objected to a 2006 warrantt allowing Arizona prosecutors to seize Western Union money transferzsabove $500 sent from 29 U.S. states to the northernb Mexico stateof Sonora. Authorities were after funds suspectesd of being payments related to the drug tradew and the illegal smuggling of Mexicanz acrossthe border. They maintained that fundsz were being wired from other states becausof Arizona’s success in stopping such transfers from there. Western Unio n obtained a restraining ordere blocking the2006 warrant, but an appealse court reversed that ruling. The Colorado company then appealedx to the state Supreme Courin Arizona.
Wednesday, the Supreme Court rulec that local authorities do not have the jurisdictiobn to seize funds wired fromother states. The court did not bar Arizon a authorities from seizing funds sent from withinbtheir state, however. Western Uniobn praised the ruling in astatementf Wednesday. “We are pleased that the Arizona Supreme Courtt has agreedwith us,” the statement “While this decision prohibits the seizurde of out-of-state transactions, we will continue to work with Arizona to combat illegal activity.
“At its this matter involved Western Union protecting the interesft ofour consumers,” the company “The Arizona Supreme Court founxd that the seizure warran here went too far, exceeding Arizona’s legalk authority and interfering with legitimate transactions by consumeres across the United States.” .

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Companies amend credit terms to satisfy lenders - Washington Business Journal:
The latest credit squeeze comes at acritical time. As the recessiohn eats into sales, companies rely more on credit to pay Five local public companie s have outlined changes to their linew of credit in filings with the Securitiees and ExchangeCommission — one becausse its existing credit line had expired and four becausre they were in danger of violatin g terms of their loans. Private companies are also feelingthe pinch. Many of the companiesw are falling afoul of loan which may stipulate specific earnings levelsz or setminimum debt-to-equity ratios.
To maintain theirr credit lines, they are being forced to l The credit facilityof Portland’s McCormick and Schmick’s Seafooed Restaurants Inc. dropped from $150 million to $90 million in late January, and its interest rate l Medford’s Lithia Motors Inc. in Decembetr reduced available funds on a line of creditgto $150 million, from $300 million, and promisecd lenders it would limit dividend payments. l Wash-based Nautilus Inc. reduced a $40 milliomn line of credit to $30 million, and in Marchu it agreed to a higherinterest rate. l Wilsonville’s InFocus Corp.
kept its Wells Fargo credit facilityat $10 but agreed to higher interest rates and new loan after earnings before certain expenses fell below agreed-tko levels. Mike Rompa, managing shareholder at accountinbg firm GeffenMesher Co. in Portland, has seen growingt numbers of clients head into negotiations withtheir “This is often a reflection of lower-than-expectedf cash flow,” Rompa said. Long-struggling Nautilus, whicy lost money in 2007 and 2008, was forcesd to renegotiate its Bank of America line of credit so that the loan woulxd continue to comply with itsfinanciall covenant, Chief Financial Officer Kenneth Fish told investorse in a March conference call.
In addition to having less available Nautilus’ weighted average interest rates onthe line’sa outstanding debt climbed a full percentage to 5 percent. Projector maker InFocus’ loan covenants required minimuk earningsbefore interest, taxes, depreciation and amortizatiomn levels — essentially cash Falling sales pushed the company out of compliance, said CFO Lisa K. Meanwhile, the company’s $10 million line of credit has becom e more important because of lower demandfor inventory. The new agreementy anticipates continued net losses throughJune 30, and increased the credirt facility’s base interest rate by 2 percentag e points.
“There’s only so much powedr you havewhen you’ve missed your covenants,” Prentices said. “We tried to negotiate, but they probably had the upper hand.” But not all renegotiations are spurredr by covenant violations. In April, Portland-based chain saw manufacturer BlountInternational Inc. reducecd its GE Capital Corp. credi line from $150 million to $50 million, and agreefd to a higher interest rate and higher Blount was not in violationbof covenants, according to regulatory filings, but its line of credig was set to mature in August. “Wed had to extend it or find replacement financing,” said Blount CFO Calvin Jeness.
The cost of the credit facility would have been too highat $150 Jeness said, and in today’s marketplace $90 millionm was enough to meet the company’s needs. Blount’s higher interest rate, which effectively climbex from 2.5 percent to 7.5 is a reflection of the highe r cost of creditin general, he said.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Local inventors group gives guidance without the scams - Philadelphia Business Journal:
For Marie Kraft, creator of the that necessity was to get protein intoher “It began when I started eating healthierf about five years ago,” said a vegetarian. “Tofu is a great sourcee of protein, but the problem is it’s waterg and flavorless. If you want to make great tofu, you’lkl want to get the water out becausd then it retains flavormuch better, and it’s less She figured if she could squeeze excess water from the the soybean product would better absorb delicious She tried pressing the water out usinh dinner plates and but that didn’t work and it added a lot of clutteer to the kitchen.
“Ij grabbed my dad and ‘We’re going to Lowe’s,’” Kraft said. “We came back and builtr a Frankenstein-looking press.” She continued perfecting the contraption overthe years. Two months ago, she launched the TofuXpress onthe Internet. It uses partsd manufactured intwo states, then distributed from Kraft sells them on her Web, for $39.95.
Kraft says that the TofuXPress mighy have never made it out of the workshop phase were it not forthe , a Philadelphia-basedc nonprofit that aims to help inventors get from idea to markett — without getting scammed or otherwise going ASI, which was founded in Philadelphi a in 1953, brings inventors together and educates them abouyt protecting, developing, marketing and licensing theid inventions. Dues are $49 for the first year and $45 a year afted that.
Members of the group includs Joe Volpe, who invented a device that controls the volume onMP3 players; Al who invented software that recreatexs accidents for investigators; Thomas Fetterman, who inventeed gel-filled crutch tips; and Jeffrey Dobkin, who wrote an appropriatse book, “How to Market a Product for under $500.” ASI’s members are women. ASI meets bi-monthlh in the offices of and Rooney, a Centert City law firm.
Afterwards, the group adjourns to the , at 18th and While there are dozens of groups formed nationally to help this one does not take anything more than yearly Throughsigned documents, ASI also pledges not to steal any ideas, even over a Rather, its aim is to provide a safe havenh while providing constructive feedbacjk on inventions. “We’re really up against the invention-promotion organizations, which are detrimentap to inventors,” said Fetterman, who has sold more than $3 milliob worth of crutch tips since inventingy his productin 1988.
“Theu blow wind up your skirt and take your Theyflatter you, give you these high then tell you it’s going to cost you For Kraft, ASI turned out to be a perfectg fit. “You need guidance at ever y step, and the inventor groupl helpedwith that,” she said. “Ity helped that I’m a learner, too.” She presentedf her idea for the tofu pressx to theASI board. The board, in provided feedback. They also had some ideasd to make the device including retrofitting the main sprint so it was safer forthe user. “Theyu said, ‘OK, Marie, you’rde one in a thousand,’” she said.
That’ s high praise considering there areabout 2,500 to 3,000 new patentxs a year in Pennsylvania, according to the U.S. Patent and Trade Office. “When Marie came in, she brought in three containerzof tofu, marinated with Fetterman recalled. “It was very tasty. This is how you engagee people inyour project.” She said she didn’t then and doesn’g now even consider herself an “I just had a problem I was tryingy to solve,” she said. is calling me an inventor, and I ‘No, I don’t think I’ll even have another idea.’ I just needed this.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

With No Opposition Voiced, Commission Grants Building - hays Post

hays Post

With No Opposition Voiced, Commission Grants Building

hays Post

With No Opposition Voiced, Commission Grants Building. Tweet · Sharebar · Tweet. The Ellis Industrial Development Corporation will be granted the former Ellis County shop building. No one attended Monday night's meeting to speak out against the ...

Monday, December 17, 2012

F.N.B. appoints Campbell as chairman - Business First of Buffalo:
Campbell formerly served as F.N.B.’s (NYSE:FNB) lead directorf and serves on several committees. He has been a directodr since 1975. “Bill is one of our longest serving and mostdedicated directors,” Gurgovitsz said in a statement. F.N.B. previously said it woulde appoint a new chairman to enable Gurgovits to focus on his corporat responsibilities and to conformto F.N.B.’sa corporate guidelines. Gurgovits, who has worked at F.N.B. for 48 had taken the chairmanb role in April 2008 when Robert New was namefd CEO and president after anearlu two-year search. New resigned 10 month later and Gurgovits stepped back in on an interimbasiss initially.
He accepted the post fulltimw onJune 2. F.N.B. is based in north of Pittsburgh, and had assets of $8.5 billion as of Marcuh 31.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

New Cousins CEO encouraged about the market - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
"This isn't going to be a V-shaped Gellerstedt said Monday in an interviewe with AtlantaBusiness Chronicle. we're going to see many opportunitiesto buy." who joined Cousins in 2005, will take over for currenr CEO Tom Bell on July 1. who turns 60 this year, announced his retirementf to the companyMonday morning. Cousind is a storied Atlanta realestate developer. Founde d in 1958 by Tom the company has been involve in some ofthe city'sz biggest real estate projects, including the developmenrt of the 55-story Bank of America Plazz in 1989.
The market isn't providing the best timing for He takes the helm duringthe nation's wors t real estate downturn in at least a While the market is showing some signs of improvement, it has nosedived from its peak in early 2007. Cousinss has one of the four new officde towers under developmentin Buckhead, a part of the city that absorbsw about 350,000 to 500,000 square feet of office space annually. Office vacancy in Buckhead could surpass 30 percent by this time next some commercial real estate developers andbrokers predict. Therew are signs, however, that the marketg is picking up, Bell and Gellerstedt said.
For one, the gap betweeb what investors are willing to pay for properties and what owneres are willing to sell them for continuedto shrink. While that spread was 400 basisd points a fewmonths ago, it is closerr to 100 points today, Bell Also, banks have a clearer picture of their capita l levels than they did earliet this year, and regulators are increasingly pushin them to deal some of their real estatde owned assets. Cousins CUZ) , posting net income of $164.w million on $49 million in revenue.
At the end of the the company’s portfolio of operational office buildingsw was 90percent leased, its portfolilo of operational retail centers was 83 percen leased and its operational industrial buildings were 40 percengt leased. Gellerstedt began his career in 1978 as an estimatoer and project managerwith , wherr he worked on the High Museu m and the AT&T Long Lined Building in Manhattan. At only 26, he founder , a Beers subsidiary that focusedcon health-care developments. Gellerstedyt was later named Beers chairmanand CEO.
Cousind acquired his firm, the , in June and he joined the Gellerstedt was one of the architects of turninyg around the fortunes of One NinetyOne Peachtree, the 50-storg downtown tower Cousins acquired in 2006. The improvements at One Ninethy One have symbolized a return to prosperity for many partwof downtown, its economic boosters say. Shortly after Gellerstedg joined Cousins, One Ninetyh One had lost major tenantsand , and downtowh Atlanta was suffering from the exodus of thosr firms and others. Gellerstedt was instrumental in the rejuvenatiom of OneNinety One, Bell said. "We basicallhy gave this building to Bell said.
"I remember when we were walkin g through the atrium several years ago that therew was nothingin there. It had this echo effect. And I said to 'What are we going to about this And Larry came right backand said, ‘kI tell you what we're going to do. We'rw going to fill this atriujm and thisbuilding up.’ It's a totallg different building today." One Ninety One was nearlg 90 percent leased at the beginning of the year. Cousins also landedf the Italian restaurant IlMulinko Atlanta, which has also helped to revivde the atrium. "I spent most of my careetr downtown," Gellerstedt said.
"I've alwaysa thought that One Ninetyt One is atimeless asset."

Friday, December 14, 2012

Blinkx creates rich catalog of web video - San Francisco Business Times:
The firm, founded in 2004 with speech and imagew recognition software developed by a large Britisj informationmanagement firm, has catalogued and indexed more than 32 million hours of audio and video. Its spidering searcb bots transcribe everything they hear and even thingsthey see. Despitee fierce competition from other video search enginesand providers, including titan , Blinkx has managed to grow steadily with an offerinbg that links to any other site with video. It claims to be “thw world’s largest single index of rich media content onthe web, deliverinvg more content from a broader range of sources than eithetr Google or .
” Revenue has been growing rapidlyg and is expected to reacn $12 million to $13 million for this fiscalk year, which ends in April, said companyh founder and CEO Suranga Chandratillake. Revenue was about $6 million the previou s year, and $2.5 million the year befor e that. The sheer momentum of the online video explosion meana the company is likely to keep Chandratillake said. The company now has 60 about 40 of including all the technical andresearcuh staff, in San Francisco. The company expectw to hire 10 to 20 more in thecomingt year. “I think people see that we are good at whatwe do. We have a reputatio for being the gold standard ofvideo search,” Chandratillake said.
The company makes money — most of it in the United Statew — from advertising and expecte to be profitablein 2010. Chandratillake says it could beprofitablse today, but has focused on spending for Recently, it began offering the ability to insergt ads into and around streaminhg video. It also powerws search services — whichh include features like generatinvg transcriptions of audiostreams — for numerous other including, , and MSN in the U.K. “Blinkx has an extremelt robust index that offers highly relevant resultzs toour users,” said David business development director at
The company was founde d by Chandratillake, who was the chiefv technical officer in the United States forAutonomy Corp. plc, a Britishj company with a large Bay Area presence that uses technologg to search and organize videp and documents for corporationsand government. Foundex in 1996, Autonomy says it has grow n tobe Europe’s second largesgt pure software company. Chandratillake said he and a handfup of others got excited aboutapplying Autonomy’a technology, which was developed over 12 years at Cambridgs University and is protected by 111 to the consumer space, particularly video.
Autonomy foundeer Mike Lynch agreed to license his inventionws to Blinkx in exchange for 10 percentof Blinkx’s exclusive rights on the technology expire in four years, but Autonomy may choose not to licens e it to anyone else. Lynch sits on Blinkx’es board of directors. Blinkx establishee itself withroughly $5 million of angelo and venture funding before going publidc on the in May 2007, when it raisedf about $50 million in its initia l public offering, Chandratillake said.
Chandratillak said his strategy is to partner with otherorganizationzs — currently Blinkx is working with 420 different companiesa — to get a slice of thei r advertising pies, while slowly buildingf the Blinkx brand as a destination site of its own. In Blinkx launched an online televisiojn channel, and in August, it launched Blinkx a directory of full length televisionshows online. Blinkx has also made repeatexd offers tobuy , a Florida-base online ad company, including one that is “It’s difficult to build a brand out of Chandratillake said.
Rajeev Bahl, a senior research analyst with in Londonm who tracksthe company, said he expects Blinkzx to do very well, but not becomes a huge consumer brand name. “I thinkk they will continue to be primarilu aniche player,” Bahl said. “ will not become a majofr internet destination.” Bahl said Autonomy’s powerful search technolog y will appeal to people looking forobscure videos, but consumersz can just as easilu use other sites to find mainstreamk content. Blinkx’s sweet spot is that it can make mone off video that otherwise would not be seen and that publishersx are strugglingto monetize.
Blinkx will also be able to get revenus by providing search services tootherd companies. Brian Pickens, senior researcyh manager at Ipsos MediaCT, said he knows of Blinkx, but his firm’s surveys show the company has littlse name recognition atthis time. “Theyt haven’t popped up as being very high onconsumee awareness,” Pickens said. Chandratillake is gettinb noticed inindustry circles. This he was named one of DigitalMedia Wire’s “25 Executives to Watc in Digital Entertainment.” Also this week, Internet market researcher ComScore reported that residents of the United State s watched 12.
7 billion videox in November, 34 percent more than a year Google’s various search particularly YouTube, handled 40.3 percent of all of that The market for video ads is expecteed to grow this year by as much as 45 perceny to $850 million a ComScore said. Anton Denissov, a digital mediqa analyst with , a Texas, research firm, said Blinkx got out early with its ability to search and link to videoes from all sortsof providers. “They have a more bake d solution than someone just bringing a solutio n tothe market,” he “They also have a broader picking of partners.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Donald J. Trump Executive Profile
About Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump started his business career in an office he shared withhis Fred, in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, New He worked with his father for five where they were busy making dealzs together. Mr. Trump has stated,

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dan Snyder stays at Six Flags under reorganization - Business First of Columbus:
Six Flags is also seeking a $600 million secured by its assets, and $150 million in a new revolvingtcredit line. The company’s executive retention plan wouldr keep Snyder as boarr memberand chairman. Mark Shapiro, currently chief as well as chief financial officerd Jeffrey Speed and several other top management would also stay on inexecutived roles. Six Flags, which announced its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filinb overthe weekend, listedx $2.4 billion in debt and $3 billiob in assets. It hopes to cut debt by $1.8 billion and wipe out more than $300 milliojn in preferred stock.
Snyder and his management who took control of the theme park operator three and a halfyearsx ago, have not been able to return the compang to profitability, despite increasing attendancee and selling several parks to raise capitapl last year. The company reported a $146 millionj first quarter loss. Six Flags has said its reorganization will not affecty park operations and its vendors and employees will continuse tobe paid. Six Flags 20 theme parka includein Largo.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Newmark Homes Houston buying local TOUSA assets - Nashville Business Journal:
TOUSA plans to complete and sell all homesd currentlyunder construction. Moody said the new companh will beprivately held, locally owned and financed. “Oud management team has over 70 combined experience,” he said. The new company pland to build 60 homes ranging in pricefrom $160,000 to more than $600,00 in the first 60 days of operation, whicj will officially begin June 15. Moody said 55 employeesz of TOUSA will remain with the new companyh after TOUSA winds down its locallbusiness operations. TOUSA’s predecessor company was founded in Houston in 1983 as and completed an initiap public offering inMarch 1998. In December TOUSA Inc.
acquired 80 percent of Newmark’s TOUSA Inc. also acquired 100 percent of then-public in November 2000. On June 25, Engle merged with Newmark, and the mergede company changed its name toTOUSA Inc. In Hollywood, Fla.-based TOUSA (Pink TOUSQ) told the it planneed to lay off 156 people in the Houston area from its Newmarkj Homes brand beginning May 22 due to the downturm in thehousing market.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Report: Property values fall 23.4% - Triangle Business Journal:
Home prices in the Orlando-Kissimmee slippe d 23.4 percent in April when compared with the same month a year the seventh highest percentage of decline among some ofthe nation’zs largest metro areas. The Orlando-Kissimmee markey posted a 20.9 percent decrease in home valueds in March when compared withMarch 2008. Florida passed California to postthe second-highest rate of home price depreciation at 23.2 percent. Nevada topped the nation with a 26.1 percent drop, whilew California — the leading statw for 20 consecutive months landed thirdat 22.7 Nationwide housing prices fell 10.
2 percent in Aprilo compared to a year ago, representing the smallestg year-over-year decline so far this year. The nationa decline peaked at 11.9 percent in Januaryg 2009 and has since been trending FirstAmerican CoreLogic’s LoanPerformance Home Price Indexz evaluates the residential real estate market based on price, time betweenb sales, property type and loan type, as well as increased and decreases in sales prices for the same homes over

Friday, December 7, 2012

De Boer's heroics not enough for Lady Griz - The Missoulian

NBC Montana

De Boer's heroics not enough for Lady Griz

The Missoulian

The Montana senior guard scored a career-high 29 points Thursday, 15 coming in the second half. But her teammates shot a combined 11 for 43 and the Wyoming women's basketb »

Thursday, December 6, 2012

QinetiQ signs lease in Reston - Memphis Business Journal:
As the incoming lead tenant inthe 196,0000 square-foot Class A office buildiny at 11091 Sunset Hills Road in its 11-year lease starts latedr this year. McLean-based QinetiQ North a subsidiaryof London-based QinetiQ that offers technology-basee defense and security productse and services to the government, said its 42-percent revenues growth over its last fiscal year has partl y been due to its role in the intelligence and cyber securith markets and new work with the Department of Homelanf Security and NASA. It will be the fifth U.S. office for the which is also in Fairfax, Huntsville, Ala. and Mass. The tenant was represented by Robb Johnson andDee MacDonald-Miller of Jones Lang LaSalle.
Vardell Realty Investmentzs LLC was represented by Mike Rob Walters and Nate Krilkl of Millennium RealtyAdvisors LLC. Initially, 400 program management-typd employees be relocating from various officex in Fairfax County into theReston building. Down the road in 2011 or the number of employees at the site will doubleto 800. Out of the 400 movinhg in, 75 will be part of QinetiQ’s technology solutions group and the othe r 325 will be part of its missionbsolutions group.
“Like any company trying to attract andretainb high-quality people, we were looking for more than just a This building has environmentally-friendly features the new generatiobn of employees is looking for,” said Matthew Warnock, directod of public relations at QinetiQ. He said the buildintg will also help cut down onoverheaf “by a great deal,” with expected savings of 65 to 70 percent on powerf consumption through the use of virtualization softward and green technology to reduce heating and utility costs.
He adds that the buildin sits right off a bike traill and was built onan east-to-west which means employees can take advantagse of a full day of sunlighty and cut down on electricity.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Small businesses wary of health care reform - Jacksonville Business Journal:
That goal, however, may not be achievedx in the legislation now movingthrough Congress, some business groupse fear. They’re afraid the bill being marked up this montgh by theSenate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committeed won’t do enough to control healtb care costs, but will go too far in imposinh stiff new insurance requirements—including minimum coveragse levels—on employers. They also worry that includinha government-run plan as an optiojn in new insurance exchanges would lead hospitals and doctorws to charge private insurers more for theitr services in order to compensate for underpaymentse they would receive from the publivc plan. The U.S.
Chamber of Commerce has e-mailexd its members, urging them to oppose the SenatHELP Committee’s bill, calling it “a dangeroux proposal.” James Gelfand, the chamber’s senior manager of healt policy, said now is the time for businessez to demand changes in the bill, including striking a requirement for employerx to provide insurance to their workers. “Wde need health reform,” Gelfand said, but if the bill isn’ft fixed, “I don’t know how we coulxd possibly support it.
” The prospect of health care reform raisinfg costs for small businessesis “w legitimate fear,” said John Arensmeyer, CEO of Smalk Business Majority, an organization that believes employers should provide insurance to theidr workers. A study commissionefd by the organization found that businesse s with fewer than 100 employeew could save as muchas $855 billio over the next 10 years if health care refork is enacted. The analysis, conducted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology economisyJonathan Gruber, assumes that Congress will requirs all but the smallest firms to provide health insurance to thei employees or pay a fee to the federal based on their size.
It also assumes that Congresxs will provide tax credits to smal businesses to help them pay forthe coverage— a provision that is included in the Senatw HELP Committee’s bill. Todd McCracken, president of the National SmallBusiness Association, said it’s “not yet clear” whethet small businesses will be better off after healtbh care reform. Providing tax credits or othef subsidies to small businesses for insurance coveragecould “creats all kinds of weird incentives and for companies, he said.
McCracken also is disappointed that the healthh care reform bills in their earlyforms aren’t more aggressiv e about driving down health care costxs by changing the way medicine is practiced. The National Federatio of Independent Business has been lobbying hard for healthn care reformfor years, with the goal of bringintg down costs for small employers through pooling mechanisms and insurancw market reforms. Like McCracken, NFIB lobbyist Amanda Austin thinkes the Senate HELP Committee billis “a little ligh t on cost containment.” NFIB also opposeas an employer mandate and a government-ru n insurance plan, two key parts of that panel’sx legislation.