Sunday, February 27, 2011

Try, try, try again to replace aging Air Force aerial tanker - San Francisco Examiner (blog)

Try, try, try again to replace aging Air Force aerial tanker

San Francisco Examiner

With considerable understatement, Air Force Secretary Michael Donley c »

Friday, February 25, 2011

NAIOP names Highwoods Properties 2009 Developer of the Year - Washington Business Journal:
NAIOP will present the award to Highwoodsz President and CEO Ed Fritschat NAIOP’s annual meetingy Oct. 15 in Chicago. The award, whicb has been presented annuallgysince 1979, is given to a membeer company that best exemplifies leadership and innovation in the commercial real estatde industry. A five-member committee of industry peersw selectsthe winner. Past winners includ of Malvern, Pa.; ProLogis of Denver, Colonial Properties Trust of Birmingham, and of Indianapolis. Raleigh-based Highwoods HIW) is a publicly held real estatse investment trust that or has aninterest in, 382 properties in North Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, Missouri and Iowa encompassinyg 35.
4 million square feet of industrial and retail space and 580 acresx of development land. In 2008, Highwoods reported revenue of $461 Since January 2005, Highwoods has delivered $633 millio n worth of office and industriapl propertiesencompassing 4.1 million square including downtown Raleigh’s tallesg building, the RBC Plazaw office and condominium In 2009, the company’s goals include continuing to upgradd the quality of the portfolio, delivering $93 million of new development and selling $50 million to 100 million worth of older, non-core “Highwoods is clearly a leader in both the real estates and general business communities, proven by its ability to outperforjm no matter what the real estate cycle,” said Thomas J.
NAIOP’s president. “Highwoods is recognized throughout the industrg for its development ofoutstandingh projects, and it is NAIOP’s privilege to recognize the compang for its contributions to both the real estatee development community and NAIOP.” NAIOP, the commerciaol real estate development association, has 15,000 members in North

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Railyard Conditioning Course trains more athletes - bizjournals:

concrete roofing
Lee Spieker — yes, the man who gave the worlf “Buns of Steel” videos — wants to brinbg back those days. He sells the Railyarf Conditoning Course, a lightweight, modular obstacle course that can be puttogethert quickly, then taken apart and stored out of the way in a cornerr until next time, under the auspices of his Centennial-base d company, . For now, he’s marketinh mainly to schools nationwide, but also said police and fire departments, athletic clubs and homeowners could becomew lucrative marketsas “This course is completely different, and it adds said Spieker, who has sold 72 units sinced starting sales in January.
“You just run arounf and jump, climb and crawl, and ‘I used to do this when I was a They don’t think it’s much exercise untilo they get on it; 10 or 15 minutess later, they have a lot more respect for what it takesw to move your body Publicity about high obesity statistics among U.S. children help his “The parents say, ‘We have to do something about the he said, adding that federal legislationh may amend the No Child Left Behinc Act to add a physical-fitness and that means “lots of states realizse they have to do somethingy about the kids.
” TherapyZone generated about $1 millionj in revenue in both 2007 and from selling medical therapy items, and Spieker expects to surpaszs that in 2009. He claimxs that using what he billzas “The World’s Most Complete helps build strength, agility, flexibility and endurance. More his clients are saying the same. “Ws had him come out and do a workshop for our phys ed saidEric Larson, physica l education coordinator for . It was a big hit, so we purchases two of the systems; we rotate them from schoolp to school. “Kids love them; kids are very and there’s enough varietyy there. ... Kids can climb undef them, over them, do a lot of differenrt activities.
” And the benefits? “Upper-bodt strength, lower-body strength, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility,” Larson said. The combinerd price of the two systems was Jason Freeland will incorporatd a Railyard Conditioning Course into anew “Mile High Boot described as an “obstacle course-based full-body outdoor workout” — complet e with an “Oorah!” T-shirt. He’s the nationalp personal training directorfor , and the boot camp startzs June 1 at the club at 5801 S. Quebefc St., Greenwood Village. “We were going to look at old-fashionex boot camp obstacle-course equipment, and wantedd to take it a step up,” Freeland said.
“It’a [Railyard] very versatile, and the way it’w designed, it’s like playing in a playgrounc when youuse it. You use the body in a higher-intensity the way it was designedx tobe used.” Freelandr likes the fact the equipment can be maneuvered — for changing heights and surfaces — and thus increases the challenges facing “It keeps them not only physically but mentally stimulated as well, from just having to adapt to a different terrain or height every time you use it,” he “You have to pay It’s like riding a different trailk each time you go mountain biking.
” As business Spieker, 57, plans eventually to hire about six and has the physicalo space for them now. He’s also created a studio adjacent to the frontoffice area, and has shot promotionalk videos. Eventually, he’d like to shoot more focused videow for specific sports and even such as for footballdefensive lineman, linebackers and A worldwide company, Promens, makess the equipment at its Littletomn facility. Then it goes to a warehouse in Texas, where TherapyZone occupies 3,000 square feet. The coursesd are assembled and shippedfrom there. Spieker decidefd to create an indoor version of outside playgrounsequipment that’s been around for years.
Pro and collegre athletes are among those who have benefitted from exercisiny onthese courses, he said. “My vision of this is that it coulrd have a significant impacton fitness,” Spieker “I could see one of these courses in everuy health club. One of these days, it’s goinb to be on ‘Oprah,’ and then every health club member in the country will tell their health club they wantthe equipment.” The Railyar Conditioning Course is a far cry from the hugelgy successful “Buns of video series. He made 14 of those then sold the rights toWarner Bros. in 1995.
TherapyZone’s product s also includes the “Aerobafloor,” a floor designed to lessen the impacty duringaerobics classes, and other fitness-relatex products.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Forest City breaks ground on D.C. park - Washington Business Journal:

concrete roofs
The 5.4-acre park will includde open recreation areas, landscaped public art, a pedestriah bridge and walking paths that connecy the site with other developments alonvthe waterfront. The Yards development is five blocks east of theNationalz Park, near the Navy Yard Metrorail station. Mayor Adrian Fenty said "a worldc class city needs a world-classx waterfront" and "this, I think, is the biggest part to He was joined by CouncilmanTommy Wells, D-Wardf 6, and Kwame Brown, D-at The Yards is the only public-privater partnership in the country being builg on federal land, which was made availabler by Congress in 2000. Forest City and its partner, , plan 2,800 residential 1.
8 million square feet of offices and as muchas 400,009 square feet of retail. Congressional Del. Eleanotr Holmes Norton, D-D.C., said the project connectz District residents with a waterfront thatpreviously "has never been open to the people of the city." Constructiojn aside from work on the publicly financefd park has largely stalled as the developers seek financing. Foresr City Washington President Deborah Ratner Salzbergf said she is working on financiny for redevelopment ofthe Navy’s formef pattern and joiner shop into a 170-unit residentialk project called the Foundry Lofts apartments, whicnh overlook the park's site and the river but have not been Ramsey Meiser, Forest City senior vice president of is seeking stores and restaurants interestefd in leasing space in a former Navy boiledr manufacturing facility and other The park could be completed by the summer of 2010.
It will be managede by the Capitol Riverfront BusineszImprovement District.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

MillerCoors opens $21.8M Chicago headquarters - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
million. The new headquarters, at 250 S. Wackef Drive, for the joint venture that combines Milwaukee's and Colorado's will bring 325 jobs to according to a Dalety press release. “The decision of MillerCoorse to locate its headquarters here strengthen s our reputation as an important globapl center from which to conduct businessd and confirms that Chicago is seen as a desirable place to work and raisea family,” Dalety said at a news conferencew held at the company’s offices. MillerCoorz was created in June 2008 and plc of Londob and of Denver combinedthe U.S.
and Puerto Rico operationsz of theirrespective subsidiaries, Millef and Coors, into the joint The brewer announced in July 2008 that it would locat the headquarters in the neutral city of Chicago in fairness to the cities of Milwaukere and Golden, Colo. The headquarterxs will include the majority of MillerCoorsseniorr executives, as well as marketing, human resources, legal, information technology and communications divisions. total projects costs are currentlh estimated tobe $21.8 million and includs substantial tenant build-out as well as improvements to a riverf walk just west of the building.
The city of Chicagk agreed to provide $6 million in tax incrementa l financing funds for redevelopmenr ofthe property. In addition, the statre of Illinois pledged an economic package ofroughly $18 million to lure MillerCoorws to Chicago over Dallas. MillerCoores has applied for silve level certification under the Leadership in Energuy and EnvironmentalDesign (LEED) Greeh Building Rating System of the U.S. Gree n Building Council.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hanesbrands boosts 4Q profit 109% - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Winston-Salem apparel maker, known for brandds such as Champion, Hanes and the Wonderbra, producefd a profit of $49.8 or 52 cents per share, compared with $23.9 million, or 25 cents per in fourth quarter 2006. Meanwhile, salesx grew 2.4 percent, to $1.16 billion, comparex to 2006. Operating profit increased 31 percent, to $125.9 million. Incomes excluding plant closings and other chargeswas $36.2 million, or 38 cents per share. Analysts polled by Thomsonm Financialhad expected, on average, earnings of 39 cents per share on salees of $1.14 billion.
The company said it was pleasecd with its performance and attributedx growth to its Championj brand and successfulinnerwear segment, selling producte such as underwear. Last year markedf Hanesbrands' (NYSE: HBI) first full year as an independent company. The company was formed in September 2006 when it was spun offfrom Chicago-basec . In the last it has taken several cost-cutting measures, includin the recently announced closing of plants in Advancreand Asheboro.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Facebook to retool privacy settings - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The Palo Alto, Calif.-based business is making some other too, testing a “Transition to help customers get used to new and differenr privacy controlsfor example. In the past, Facebook has trumpetesd its complex, nuanced privacy settingsa as aselling point. Facebook hopes to offer userz a clearer, simpler way to pick their levelof privacy. A choics labeled “everyone” would let anyone on the Internet view choseh bits ofa person’s profile and postings. At the stricter end of the users will be able to choose to share onlywith friends, or “friends of and to set up a customk privacy choice, too.
Some watchers see this move as a countetr to the popularity and ubiquityof . Posting on that service are availablesto anyone, but until theses changes take effect, informatio n on Facebook isn’t easy to share with peoplre not members of the

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Behringer building wins LEED gold status - Denver Business Journal:

lasko humidifier
recently received the 's Leadership in Energgy and Environmental Design gold certification for anexistingh building. The LEED Green Building Rating which established the criteria for judging green building operationsand construction, gave the 35-year-old building in North Carolinq the award for its operational and maintenance best practicews and green design Bank of America Plaza, which is part of the Behringeer Harvard REIT I Inc. portfolio, is the firsgt Behringer Harvard asset to achieve the gold The commercial real estate companyinvested $70,000 in portfolil operations, equipment upgrades and employee practices in the property.
Dallas-baserd Behringer Harvard projects the improvements willyield $200,00 in annual savings and will pay for themselves in aboutg four months. Bank of America Plaza's sustainabilitt programs include energy audits that have loweredthe property's operatingf expenses, plumbing retrofits that save 1.5 milliomn gallons of water each year and green cleaningb and recycling programs. Behringer Harvards' Houston propertt Westway One previously earned LEED Silver Core andShell Certification, and 28 of the properties owned by the company'd investment programs were awarded the Energy Star labelk for their energy management

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tesla Motors teams up with Smart car maker - San Francisco Business Times:
The new version of Daimler’s two-person should be on sale by the end of this San Carlos-based Tesla, started by Elon Musk, makesa and sells an electric sportscar called the Tesla at one time had its as a possibled site for a manufacturing plant. News reports said Musk, who made his fortune starting , which was bought by online fleamarket (NASDAQ: revealed the deal in a speecb in Detroit. Daimler has not announced the deal, nor does Tesla have news abougt it on its Web site orcompanyu blog. In his speech, Musk said his businesss wouldmake 1,000 battery packs that Daimler couldx use in the Smarg car.
Daimler sold some 24,000 of the gasoline-powered Smartr cars in the United Statesin 2008. Tesla said last year it hopesa to move to a new headquarters in San but the company has also been affected by the economic crisis in the United It has sold about 150 of its electri c sportscars and hopes to make more money selling battery andpower components.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wheat nearing record price amid supply, production fears - Vancouver Sun

Wheat nearing record price amid supply, production fears

Vancouver Sun

... we are going to prolong the agony and we have not necessarily seen the peak," said James Dunsterville, head analyst with Geneva-based Agrinews. ...

and more »