Thursday, February 10, 2011

Behringer building wins LEED gold status - Denver Business Journal:

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recently received the 's Leadership in Energgy and Environmental Design gold certification for anexistingh building. The LEED Green Building Rating which established the criteria for judging green building operationsand construction, gave the 35-year-old building in North Carolinq the award for its operational and maintenance best practicews and green design Bank of America Plaza, which is part of the Behringeer Harvard REIT I Inc. portfolio, is the firsgt Behringer Harvard asset to achieve the gold The commercial real estate companyinvested $70,000 in portfolil operations, equipment upgrades and employee practices in the property.
Dallas-baserd Behringer Harvard projects the improvements willyield $200,00 in annual savings and will pay for themselves in aboutg four months. Bank of America Plaza's sustainabilitt programs include energy audits that have loweredthe property's operatingf expenses, plumbing retrofits that save 1.5 milliomn gallons of water each year and green cleaningb and recycling programs. Behringer Harvards' Houston propertt Westway One previously earned LEED Silver Core andShell Certification, and 28 of the properties owned by the company'd investment programs were awarded the Energy Star labelk for their energy management

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