Friday, December 30, 2011

Rebel Rebel yells of soaring revenue - Portland Business Journal:
“We didn’t come out the flashiest, but when people got a chancwe to see our work they realized how solidwe are, and it’s created relationships that have been continual,” said Dianna co-founder of Rebel Rebel. Since launching in Rebel Rebel has provided productionand post-production services from commercials and videos to presentations and videl Web content — and has amassed a roster of notable clients, including GSD&M Idea City, Dell Inc., Sicolqa Martin, Schematic and Door Number 3. The five-persob production house grew 100percentg year-over-year, and is on target to generatee $1 million in revenue this year.
But beforwe growth there was overcomingbeing new, said Chris the other co-founder of Rebel Rebel. “Irt was a little tough getting in the door of some placesdat first. The first year was kind of hard. I don’yt think either of us realized how hard it would Blankenship said. Blankenship and Colton have experience and connectionss in the local production Blankenship cut his teeth in productiohn in China and has 17 years of experienc ein editing, visual effects and post production. Colton has executivee producing experience, and she launched a successfukfashion business.
Blankenship said transitionintg from a freelancer to a businessmaj hasbeen challenging, and getting clients to think of Rebeo Rebel for larger projects took some convincing at first. “Wes took a pretty good look at what we thoughyt the business was going to befor us, and we had to come to some hard realizationse that that wasn’t the way things Blankenship said. In addition to being persistent, Blankenship said the company’s flexibility in takin g small and large projects has helpec sellits services. The company uses freelancers, which enables it to ramp up quicklhy for larger projects and to test out employees beforew adding them totheir staff.
Blankenship said Rebel Rebel hasn’t been entirely immunee to the recession. It saw work plateay in March, but for the most business hasbeen steady. “We’ve been prettyy busy for the last year,” he said. As a smalledr production company, Rebel Rebel has been able to weather the recession a bit bettere because it hasless overhead, Blankenship There are more than 20 film and video production companies in the Central Texas Among the largest productioh companies here are Omega Broadcast Group, 501 Group Inc. and Elephant Productions Inc.
Quincy president of Elephant Productions, says that the production landscaps is getting increasingly more competitive with new players enteringthe market. At the same he said demand is going up forproduction work. “Iu think the outlook is positive. Video is increasingly being used to train and now everybody has videop on theirWeb site,” Lowmanm said. “The market has grown, but the competitiob has grown.” Colton said Rebe Rebel’s work has been evenly splig between local, regional and national work. It recentlh hired a national sales representative. Colton and Blankenshi p said they aren’t concerned with becominv a larger company.
“We will continur to work with more people and createmore relationships,” Colton said. “Inh the short term, we want to find new clients, buildr a base and do a varietyof work.”

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