Wednesday, January 9, 2013

National Institutes of Health to fund University of Louisville autism study - Business First of Louisville:
The treatment combines magneticc stimulation with behavior therapy to ease the symptomeof autism, and researchers believer the treatment will help participantsd focus on therapy to improve social interactions, accordingh to a news release. A pilot study found that patients withautisnm “have fewer tantrums and repetitive behaviors symptomatic of sensory overload after a low-frequency magnetic field is pulsedc around their brains through a coil place near the scalp,” the release The $900,000 NIH award will fund a four-yeat clinical trial of the treatment.
In the patients will receive a higher frequenct of magnetic stimulation and more than twice the numbetr of sessions administered in thepilot study. The fundint will come from the NIH’s EUREKA (Exceptional, Unconventional Research EnablinygKnowledge Acceleration) program, which provides fundingt to researchers who are testing unconventional research that couled yield a high impacy on research. “This study, which builds on discoveriew made here at U of L in the last five offers a new kind of hope for peopldwith autism,” Dr. Larry Cook, U of L’zs executive vice president forhealth affairs, said in the release.
“If has the potential to change science’w way of thinking about autismj treatment.”

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Thanks for the gives us about health care. I really like your site. The National Institutes of Health will intensify its efforts to find the causes of autism and identify new treatments for the disorder, through a new research program. Thanks…

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