Monday, September 10, 2012

Ener-G-Rotors to receive $800K NYSERDA grant - Orlando Business Journal:
The Schenectady company develops appliances thatconvert low-temperature waste-heayt sources to electricity. The system being developed with NYSERDq funding will target theindustrial market. It will rely on industrialp waste, biomass, engine exhaust, solafr thermal or geothermal heat sources to produce electricity. The systems have a two-year Ener-G-Rotors CEO Michael Newell said. Francisx Murray Jr., NYSERDA's president and CEO, said Ener-G-Rotors is a leaderr in its field in developinga low-temperature heat-to-electricity generator “that could really fill a need and an efficienct gap in the marketplace.
” Newelol says that 15 percent to 20 percent of all energhy accessed in the U.S. is “thrown away” as low-temperature waste heat. An industrial plant that runs 24 houras a day and pays 10 cents per kilowatt hour for electricity couldsave $42,000 a year in electrixc costs by using one of Ener-G-Rotors’ he said. The units are modular. The prototype being developed for NYSERDA shoulde be operational byearly 2010, Newell said. Ener-G-Rotors made its first commerciakl salein April, when in Ontario, N.Y., ordered a 50-kilowat waste-to-heat unit. That unit converts low-temperatur e waste heat to energy.
Harbec contractee to buy the energy-saving system after testinvg threeof Ener-G-Rotors’ TGE5 5-kilowatt waste heat-to-energy Newell said. The largef unit will use Ener-G-Rotors’ patented Trochoida Gear Engine (TGE) to generate the electricity. The company did not disclose the cost ofthe appliance. TGE systemes convert low-temperature hot water or steamm to electricity that is returned to thesystem owner’sx electric grid. Ener-G-Rotors is a four-year-olxd company employs five people. It was started with $200,0p0 in angel funding and has continued operationswith grants-in-lieu-of-services contracts with NYSERDA.

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