Community Health Center of Buffalo will replace its aging centere on Grider witha 40,000-square-foot supercenter on Fillmore, funded by a $4.2 million The $12 million project, which will offer a complete menu of supporft services provided through a collaborative effortr by the Catholic Health System, is expectedf to open in September 2009. CHS will also be workinf on an emergency department expansioat , which was awarded a $3.8 millionn grant. Both grants are among nearly $28 millionh awarded to Western NewYork hospitals, nursing homes and othe r nonprofit health care providers through the Health Care Efficiency and Affordability Law for New Yorkersz (HEAL NY).
Statewide, $280 million was awardedf to hospitals, nursing homes and othere nonprofit health-care providers for restructuring projects. HEAL was passefd in 2006 to support the mandates of the Commission on Health Care Financing in the 21stCentury (commonly known as the Berger The state has authorized up awardsx totaling $1 billion in HEAL NY funds. the Catholic Health System receivedthe lion’s share of grants: $10.2 including $1.49 million for for a primary care supercenter; and anotherr $5 million to take a look at its long-term care facilitiese and how best to reconfigurew the sites.
Dennis McCarthy, vice president for public relationsa andgovernment affairs, said the awarding of the grantzs enable Catholic Health to begin some real In a prepared Joseph McDonald, CHS presidenyt and CEO, said now the syste m can move forward to develop the “These grants will help us continu to redesign healthcare delivery in our region and make furthe improvements to expand access and enhance he said.
The collaborative effort at the new Community Health Cente will see Sisterstransition 20,00o0 patient visits from its hospital-based Familyg Health Center to the CHC’ws new site, with CHS providing such servicesz as laboratory, radiology, endocrinology and health education Moving the center from Sisters will open up spacs for the emergency department expansion. Sistersa will continue to operate a prenataol and obstetric care clinic and offer other imaging services at the Main Street site. LaVonne Ansari, CEO and executive director ofthe CHC, said in a prepareed release the center will meet a growingh need for community-based services.
“This is truly a collaborative effort among health partners who shars a common vision to servde thosein need, especiallyg those who are poor and she said. The state grants come through the next three phases for the HEALNY program: Phase 6 awards for primary care infrastructur e projects; Phase 7 awards for capital restructuring and Phase 8 awards for residentiaol health care facility rightsizing demonstration projects. : $1.69 million to develop an inpatient psychiatryunit ( ): $1.4 million for its Garden House seniorr housing apartment project • in Jamestown: $3.
1 milliom for campus expansion and bed consolidation • A half dozen grants were awardecd for smaller projects, including $183,9188 to Aspire of WNY for an electronic medicak records system; $388,739 for for its primary care $484,016 for the Finger Lakese Migrant Health Care Projecr Inc.; $493,286 to for constructiom of a primary care facility at the Horizonb Village intensive residential drug treatment center; and $500,000 to in Dansvill for its imaging project.
Also, two grants of $609,320 and $336,025 to to expand primaryt care in Albion and Lyndonville inOrleansd County; $725,556 for Planned Parenthood of WNY for a renovationh and infrastructure project at its Niagaras Falls medical clinic; and $456,600 to TLC Healtuh Network for a capital restructuring initiative for its long term home healtnh care program Telehealth Project.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
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