Tuesday, October 30, 2012
MIT real estate index continues slide - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The 5.8 percent drop in the pricesd is the fourth consecutive quarterlyu drop and the sixth in the past seven quarters, according to an index developedd by MIT’s Center for Real Estate. Pricexs are now 21 percent belowq where they were a year ago and 26 percent belowits mid-2007 Commercial real estate prices in the first quarted are comparable to the 27 percentr drop the index recorded in the last major commercial property downturn in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
“It’s possiblr that the first quartedr of 2009 was the nadir in market said ProfessorDavid Geltner, director of researcbh at the MIT Center for Real Estate, in a “Sales volume is down almost to as reflected in our demandd index.” The MIT Center for real estatre tracks prices based on closed dealds but also examines demand for property and changes in pricing. While the priceds buyers are willing to pay for commerciaol real estate has fallen forseveb quarters, the prices sellers are willing to acceptf rose about 1 percent in the first “This type of disconnect between the supplty and demand sides of the market, with demand-side sentimentr plunging and property owners refusing to sell into such is greater than we have ever seen before, and is very nearlty removing every bit of liquidity from the market,” said Geltnere in a statement.
The index tracks pricee that institutions pay or receive when buying or selling commercial propertiezs such asshopping centers, apartment complexes and office
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Report: Seven U.S. industries thriving - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Sageworks’ clients store financial information about tens of thousands ofprivatde companies. Sageworks aggregates that data, which then can be parsed to find trendws inthe U.S. marketplace. •Vehicle maintenance. Auto-repair shopxs increased sales an averageof 2.4 percent over the past 12 In contrast, car dealerws saw their sales drop 9.7 percenyt in the same period. •Home Sales rose 4.6 percent in the past year for contractors suchas electricians, plumbers and heating specialists. On the flip home builders saw their sales fall at least 5 percent in thesame •Food stores. Grocery stores’ average salesx increased 6.
7 percent in the past while sit-down restaurants saw sales fall 3.9 percent. •Specialtyu schools. In 24 technical and trade schoolshad top-line revenue growthh of 7.8 percent, up from 5.9 percent in 2007. The average dentists’ office saw sales increased 7 percent in the past up from 5 percentin 2007. •Certified public accountants. The average revenue at accounting firmzsgrew 10.2 percent in the past making the accounting industryu among the top 20 sectors in the countrty by sales growth. • Personal-care services. Skin-cars specialists, nail salons, barber shops and hair salona saw average salesgrow 4.5 percent in the past year.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Ahoy! New biz in the air - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
But a new door of opportunithyfor Cunningham’s opened when the city of Tavares voteed to designate a virtuak runway for seaplanes in the middle of Lake Dora in July 2007. That led to a cost-savinbg deal with Orlando-based aircraft maker , which wantsa to be near what’ s turning into one of the largesy seaplane bases in Florida with its specialtyproducf — the SeaRey — an assembly kit Aerodyne, a small, family-owned firm, wants to expand to Tavares and could find no better place than Trident’s 23,000-square-foot boat production facility on Lake Idamerd near State Road 19. Aerodyns now is negotiating to lease halfthe facility.
The procesws of building boats and seaplanes is simila when it comes to weldingv and fiberglass andaluminum production. “The idea is to reducwe the costof production,” Cunningham said. “Evejn though the products are different, they’re similar enough and there can be a lot of Despite theeconomic recession, both firmsw will add a handful of new employees to thei businesses when they settle in together on Lake With business waning in the U.S., both firms have begun using new businesws models to expand their customer base.
Darrell general manager for Aerodyne, said his company is eyeing Chinsa to meetthe pent-upl demand for civilian aircraft as the country begines opening airspace to the Trident has a simila idea in mind when it comes to sellingb pontoon boats. Until 70 percent of Trident’s products were exported bringingin $2.4 million Since then, the companyh has focused on domestic but in 2008, they only brought in $1.3 million.
This causecd the company to focus on exporting overseas Seaplanes have been landing on Lake Dora for but when the Tavares City Councip voted to create a designatedf landing zone on the lake that will be operationaolnext year, seaplane enthusiasts and local businesses alike got excited. Since then, 14 new businesses have opened in thedowntown area, many of them catering to the seaplane community, said Tavares city administrator John , on the edge of Lake Dora, has seen its fair share of seaplane pilots in its 25 years of But owner Andrew O’Keefe doesn’t expecft business to pick up until the seabase is completed in Februar 2010. Still, he’s happy to see the changes.
“The city is workiny on bringing a lot of attractions to the The planned seaplane base is economic development in itspurest form, Drury said. “Bg proposing a seaplane base ayear ago, the resultg is an attraction that will create high-wage The city is working with the and the to lay out the virtuall runway and its holding patterns over the Although the lake won’t have any physical pilots will have aeronauticall charts to tell them where they should land or hold. “Thw way they are marketing this, they’re going to make it one of the largestg seaplane bases on theeast coast,” said Progressives Aerodyne owner Kerry Richter.
“It’ll be an attraction for seaplanre pilots in the area and it will have uniquenessfor
Friday, October 26, 2012
PNC launching stock offering - The Business Review (Albany):
The Pittsburgh-based bank, whicu entered Central Ohio last year byacquiring Cleveland-basee , said Morgan Stanley Company Inc. will serve as the sales agent in the which will take place from time to time on the The announcement comes a week afterf regulators toldPNC (NYSE:PNC) it needed to raise $600 milliobn to ensure it’s well-capitalized in the eventt of a severe and prolongee downturn. PNC was among the nation’a 19 largest banks given “stress by the . Of the 10 told to raiswe additional capital, it was directed to shore up thesmallesy amount.
Cleveland-based (NYSE:KEY) on Mondaty made a similar move, telling investors it plans to raise upto $750 million througj the sale of common stock. Key, Centra l Ohio’s fifth-largest bank, was told to raise $1.8 billion to satisfy requirements of thestress
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Cheapest Santa Clara stadium election would be June - Jacksonville Business Journal:
In a report released late city officials estimated the cost of an election onJune 8, would be nearly $152,000. But the expense go up from there. If the election were held as an all-maio vote on March 2, 2010, the cost woulfd be $364,000, according to the By far the most costly option would be a speciapl election onApril 13, 2010, in which the estimated expense wouldf rise to $652,000. Member of the Santa Clara City Counci will discuss the issue at thei June23 meeting. They decidee June 3 to put the 68,500-seat, $937 milliobn stadium project up for a vote ofcity residents.
The city has committes $79 million to the project, althoughj they vow not to use General Fund money for its Team officials have agreed to takeon $825 million in including incurring all cost overruns. If approved by voters, city and team officiala hope to have the stadium complete in time for the 2014 In another report that will be presented to the City Counciknext week, a study by the consultinbg firm said the city stands to gain $333,000 in annuao General Fund revenue from "potential evenf synergies" between the proposed football stadium and nearbu Santa Clara Convention Center.
City and team officials say besideds 10 NFLgames annually, the stadiu could attract up to 17 additional eventzs per year, including concerts and college football bowl
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Charity Navigator gives University of Tampa highest rating - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
UT earned the rating for its abilitt to efficiently manage and growits finances, the university said in a Charity Navigator's rating systekm examines how responsibly an organization functionse day to day and how well positioned it is to sustaibn its programs over time. The evaluator says it assesses “the financial health of over 5,000 of America'w best-known charities.” About a quarter of those evaluated receive thehighest rating, indicating that UT executees its mission in a fiscally responsibl e way and outperforms most other charitiexs in America, Ken Berger, president and chief executive officert of Charity Navigator, said in the UT This is the firsty year UT has received this levell of recognition, up from the previous year’s three-star rating.
, , the and are amonhg the other institutions receivinygthe four-star rating. UT is a private, residentiao university located downtown. It serves almos 6,000 students from 50 states and aboutr100 countries. About 70 percent of full-timw students live on campus, and more than half of UT student s arefrom Florida.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Report: RevPAR declines slowing for hotels - Baltimore Business Journal:
RevPAR, as it's known in the industry, will reacn its cyclical low point in thethirde quarter, closing the escalating trend of declines in RevPAR that began in the third quartert of 2008, according to . "Ther good news is that the bottojm of the current cycle forthe U.S. hotel industryg is soon to arrive,” said R. Mark Woodworth, president of Atlanta-bases PKF Hospitality Research, in a news “The bad news is that 2009 will be the weakesf year on record for the domesticlodging industry, and 2010 is gointg to be disappointing as well. If you are wondering when we'll startg to see actual growthin RevPAR, then you'll have to wait untikl 2011.
However, if you want to know when the operatinb environment is going to get a littleless that's happening right now." Lodgingv forecasts presented in the June 2009 editioh of Hotel Horizons are based on Smith Travel Research hotek performance data through March 2009 and Moody's Economy.com'a May 2009 economic forecast for the nation. Givenn the correlation between employment and lodging the new expectation is for RevPA R todecline 17.5 percent in followed by another 3.5 percent decline in 2010. Year-over-year quarterl declines in the demandfor U.S. lodgingt accommodations started in the firsrt quarter of 2008 and peakede at negative 8 percent in the firs quarterof 2009.
The June 2009 edition of Hotelo Horizons forecasts demand to declinwe each of the remaining quarters of but at adiminishing pace. The projected quarterly declines in demand for the remainder of 2009 averag ejust 4.7 percent. Beyond 2009, the forecast callws for average annual increases in demandof 3.2 percentr for the next four years, well above the 1.9 percentr long-term average. But given the forecast 17.5 percenf decline in RevPAR for allof PKF-HR is projecting tota l hotel revenues to decreass 16 percent for the year. In 2011 and PKF-HR forecasts that RevPAR will increase on an averag annual basisof 9.2 percent, whil profits will rise at a 17.8 percent pace.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Survey: Salary cuts on the rise - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
According to a nationao study publishedby , businesses are choosing to reducw employee salaries instead of initiate permanent stafvf cuts. After conducting a survey of humab resource executivesin May, the company reports that the number of businesses making permanenty layoffs dropped to 43 percent, down from 56 percenr reported in January. However, more than half of the respondente reported that their companies were initiating salary cuts or freezes toreduce costs. In additioj to reducing employee salaries, many companies are enactinf other costcutting measures, such as reducinf tuition reimbursement programs, cutting employee hours and enactinvg temporary layoffs.
Survey findings indicated businesses that made staffd cuts were taking moreadditional cost-cutting measurez than businesses that have avoided On average, businesses that initiated permanent staft cuts took an average of six additional cost-cuttingf measures, while companies that have not made stafff cuts have averaged less than threwe cost-cutting measures. The survey also found that fewerf businesses weretaking cost-cutting measures in response to the economixc downturn.
In May, 86 percent of survey participants said they were tryingg tocut costs, down from 92 percent in
Friday, October 19, 2012
Greater Phoenix CVB launches social media campaign - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The first contest offers a two-nighft stay at the Royal Palms Resort and Spa and a candlelift dinner for two atthe resort’s restaurant, T. In subsequent weeks, similar packages are expectede to be given away fromthe Ritz-Carlton Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa, InterContinental Montelucia Resorgt and Spa, Fairmont Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resor & Spa, Westin Kierland, Phoenician and Arizonwa Grand. The contest is part of a socialk media marketing campaign by the Greater Phoenix CVB that also included anew blog, Twitter and Flickrr accounts, and YouTube videos. The blog, called the Hot Sheet, is a frequentlt updated compendiumof restaurants, shops and activities.
The videl project, called “Phoenix Dream Days,” features Phoenicians of local and national renown offering tours of theirt favoritelocal hangouts. The inaugural video is hosteds by celebrity chefMark Tarbell. Blog: Facebook: YouTube: Flickr:
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
NovaStar posts profit, but offers
In a filing Wednesday with the Securities and Exchange theKansas City-based company (Pink Sheets: posted earnings of $115.1 or $9.96 a share, for the quarter ended June 30. Last the company reported a lossof $52.9 or $5.84 a share, for the seconds quarter. The company reported a loss of $167.66 million, or $18.66 a share, for the firs t half of 2008. This compares with a loss of $6.9 or $1.09 a share, for the same perioed last year. NovaStar said in the SEC filingy that ithad $10.3 millionj remaining in cash and equivalents on June 30, down 90 percen t from $97.9 million a year earlier. The company used $4.9 millio n in cash to fully repay its debt to on May 9and $2.
1 milliobn on May 8 to satisfy termsz of a settlement with American Interbanc Mortgage. The company said current projectionas indicate sufficient cash and cash flowd will be available from its mortgage assets tomeet short-terkm payment needs through 2008. the company’s mortgage asset cash flows are currentlyt volatile and uncertainin nature, and the amountsz the company receives coul vary materially from its projections,” the companyh said in the filing.
“In addition, theser cash flows are expected to continuw to decrease over the nextseveral Therefore, no assurance can be givenh that the company will be able to meet its cash-flo w needs, in which case it woulrd be required to seek protectio n of applicable bankruptcy laws.” NovaStatr posted a provision for credit losses of $212.1 million in the second quarter, compare d with $73.3 million last year. for an initial price of $750,000 . NovaStar could pay as much as anadditionall $3.25 million in installments linked to certain pretazx income objectives for the acquired entity, whicyh NovaStar will rename .
NovaStarr CFO Rodney Schwatken couldn’t immediately be reached for comment
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Women artisans, and artists, at work - Jakarta Post
Women artisans, and artists, at work Jakarta Post Designer Edward Hutabarat says a love for batik is not expressed through buying new items each month to put in one's closet. True love, after all, comes from an understanding that goes beyond superficial attractions â" for batik, that means also wanting ... |
Monday, October 15, 2012
Scientist says deal cost her, UGA millions - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The dispute involves the drug Restasis, which help to treat the condition knownas “dry eye.” The drug was discovered in the 1980sa by Renee Kaswan, then a UGA veterinarh researcher who found the drug workes on animals. In 1993, bought the rights to use Restasia to treat humans from The The pharmaceuticaplgiant (NYSE: AGN) hoped the Food and Drug Administratiomn would one day approve the drug for human use. It did in 2002. Restasi is the first, and currently the prescription therapy for the treatment of chronic dry eye accordingto Allergan. Restasis is the company’w second-largest-selling eye-care product. Allergah had sales last year of $4 billion.
The growthn of Restasis’ sales has exceeded going from $191 million in 2005 to $344 million last year. “Facultgy members need to understand if they do somethin g that iscommercially successful, they’ll be stripped of it or fightintg it for years,” Kaswan “ ... It’s unthinkable that they woulde bethis duplicitous.” If true, such a practice could potentiall undermine Georgia’s efforts to attract the world’s top The , for example, has broughg 58 researchers to the statee as part of its Eminent Scholars 15 of whom are at the University of Georgia.
In Novemberr 2003, the University of Georgi a Research Foundation, whose head also is the presiden ofthe university, Michael Adams, renegotiated its royalty agreement with The new agreement provided for a $23 million up-fronr payment, a percentage of sales lower than in the original contract and also for a shortef time period. Kaswan said she believes the foundation’z decision to renegotiate the original agreement withou herknowledge — a move she says violatez the university’s own policy on intellectual property as set by the Boarxd of Regents of the University Systen of Georgia — might have been designe d by Adams to quell the controversy surroundinvg his decision not to extend the contracy of popular athletic director Vince Dooley aroundc the same time period.
“The timing of these events suggests that,” Kaswan “His actions and motivese are still obscure and confused tomy mind.” Adamx announced on June 5, 2003, his decision not to grant Dooley’zs contract extension. Dooley’s supporters soon launched an ultimatelgy unsuccessful movement tooust Adams. By November 2003, the foundatiobn had renegotiated its royalty deal with Thenew agreement, with its $23 million up-front payment or “buy-down,” as it is called in legal filings, came close to the University of Georgia alumni’s total giving in which was $28.2 million, according to the Counci l for Aid to Education .
Tom vice president for public affairs at the Universituyof Georgia, said the university would not comment on pendin g litigation. Attorney Ed Tolley, who is representing the did not return a requestfor comment. An analysisz done for Kaswan byBarre A. a former vice president with Washington MutualBank , estimated the amount passed up by the universityu at $222 million. The 1993 agreement betweeh the foundation and Allergan provider for her and the foundation to sharer 7 percent ofthe drug’sx sales through 2009 and 5 percent through 2014. The foundation and Kaswan would splirthe royalties, with the foundation taking 65 percent and Kaswan 35 she says.
However, the new agreement gave the foundation and Kaswanb only 2 percent ofthe drug’s salesd through 2009. Seibert projects that the foundatioh ultimately willearn $72 million from the deal insteac of $294 million. “It was taking candy from a baby for big pharmsa to come and talk UGA out of Kaswan said. State legislatore have begun to notice. Rep. Alisha T. Morgan, who sits on the Educationj Committee, and Rep. Steve deputy majority whip who serves on the StatedInstitutions & Property Committee, have both recentlgy sent letters to Adams.
May 12, 2008, letter, a copy of which was obtained by AtlantaaBusiness Chronicle, states, “It appears the agreement, which was entered into without the knowledged of the inventor, was done in violation of the rulee and regulations stated in the UGA Patent Polic y and Intellectual Property Policy.” The policy on its Web site reads: “Thse rights and privileges, as well as the incentive, of the invento or creator must be preserved so that his or her abilitiees and those of other faculty, staff or studentx of colleges and universities of the University System may be furthedr encouraged and stimulated.
” That, and another provision, are what Kaswan said the universityg violated. The policy obligates the foundation to classifty the invention as to whether the research was assistedby federal, corporatwe or university dollars. If the foundatiobn had classifiedthe invention, then she would have had the righg to appeal, but she said it never did. In since she contends that her invention was financed by neither federal norcorporate dollars, she said the appropriate classificationb would have required “that they sign re-assignment documentes to return ownership of the patents to the — herself.
Kaswan filed suit against the foundation in Clarke CountSuperior Court, and it has counter-sued her. Kaswan said she has receivef between $1 million and $2 millionm in royalties, but the university deducts its legal expensesx from herroyalty checks, she On April 24, 2007, Athens-Clarke County Superio Court Judge David Sweat ruled in favor of the university on a motionj for summary judgment, yet Kaswan hopes to overturn “Because they’re so stubbornly litigious that any hope of resolving this is she said. “...
If everybody that is treatedx inappropriately at a university is quietaboutg it, [the system] will never get
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Gen Y quandary: A drive to succeed, but jobs are few - The Business Review (Albany):
Harris, a junior psychology major at in Schenectady, had at least two summert internship options canceled when advertising agencies cut their intern programs tosave money. This week—aftere more interviews, and with summer break a week away—Harriw was offered a paid Many others, whether students seekingy internships or recent grads looking to startheir careers, aren’t as “It’s been a pretty rough year. It’sx incredibly stressful,” Harris said. “It’s something that’a always on your mind.
” Harris and othefr soon-to-be college graduates belong toGeneration Y, knowm for its drive to succeed in the More than any generatioh before them, members of Generation Y are alteringv workplace expectations in their pursuit of an equal work-life balance. They’re unafraid to try to mold theifr jobs to fittheir needs.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Surprise Jack Welch Missed Shows Better US Growth: Economy - Bloomberg
Bloomberg | Surprise Jack Welch Missed Shows Better US Growth: Economy Bloomberg It isn't only the federal government's Bureau of Labor Statistics that is issuing surprisingly good news about the U.S. economy these days. If former General Electric Co. Chief Executive Officer Jack Welch's charges of a political fix to manipulate ... |
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Jonathan Charges Governors On Preservation of Commonwealth - AllAfrica.com
Jonathan Charges Governors On Preservation of Commonwealth AllAfrica.com The authority is statutorily charged with the responsibilities of managing the Sovereign Wealth Fund and administering the accruing resources for the benefit of present and future generations of Nigerians. The President underscored the need for all ... |
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Amazon.com warns North Carolina over sales tax proposal - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
We regret to inforj you that the North Carolina statelegislature (the General appears ready to enact an unconstitutional tax collection schemde that would leave Amazon.com little choice but to end its relationshipz with North Carolina-based Associates. You are receivinb this e-mail because our records indicate that you are an Amazoj Associate and resident ofNorth Carolina. Please note that this is not an immediated termination notice and you are still a valued participang in theAssociates Program.
All referralp fees earned on qualified traffic will continue to be paid as But because the new law is drafted to go into effectt onceenacted – which coulx happen in the next two weeka – we will have to terminate the participation of all Nortuh Carolina residents in the Amazo n Associates program on or beford that same day. After the termination day, we will no longer pay any referralo fees for customers referredto Amazon.cokm or Endless.com nor will we accepy new applications for the Associate program from North Carolina residents.
The unfortunate consequencez of this legislation on North Carolina residentds like you were explained in detaipl to key senators and representativesin Raleigh, including the leadership of the Senate, House, and both finance committees. Other states, includingy Maryland, Minnesota, and Tennessee, considered nearly identical but rejected these proposals largelhy because of the adverse impacty ontheir states’ residents. We thank you for being part of the AmazomnAssociates program, and we will apprise you of the General Assembly’sx action on this matter. North Carolins lawmakers are grappling with a budget gap of morethan $4 and Gov.
Beverly Perdue has called on legislative leadera tofind $1.5 billion in new Other states, following the lead of New York, have looked at makint Amazon collect sales tax. Amazon has been fightinb the New York lawin
Monday, October 8, 2012
Dublin, Columbus schools get grants for diesel-cutting - Portland Business Journal:
million is headed to Dublin and undet a second round of stated grants aimed at cutting diese lengine emissions. The on Monday announcecd recipients of the second and final rouns of Diesel Emissions Reduction a $19.8 million program createfd in 2008. The first round sent nearly $7.3 million to 10 including the , operator of the region’s bus In the winners disclosed Monday, Dublin was clearedd for $464,658 while the Columbus school systek receiveda $918,020 grant. Officials from Dublibn and the school district told thestate they’rw using the money to replace vehiclesx with lower-emission alternatives.
Dublin plans to replace eighr 1999- or 2000-model short-haul diesel trucks, whil e the school district is usinf its grant to replace 15 busesa producedin 1990. Projects that received awardsa are required to put up at leasy 20 percent of the cost inmatchinf funds. The grant program look specifically at public and privats diesel equipment owners in Ohio counties that fall short of airqualituy standards. The largest grant among the 16 went to the and to refiy four locomotives withnew engines. That Cincinnati-area project was awardefd $4.6 million.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Democrats, President Obama pull in $181m - Boston Globe
Boston Globe | Democrats, President Obama pull in $181m Boston Globe WASHINGTON â" A month before Election Day, President Obama's campaign and Democrats posted an impressive fund-raising haul, easing the party's concerns that he would face a significant money disadvantage against his well-financed Republican rival ... Di d Obama Pull A Rope-A-Dope? Palin's Post-Debate Conspiracy Theory: Obama Will 'Pull Something' If Romney ... Debate might have enough intrigue to out-pull Honey Boo Boo |
Friday, October 5, 2012
State vying for big biotech facility - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Peach State is among several vyinhg for what might be a vaccine or pharmaceuticalo manufacturing operation that couldd locate on more than 100 Atlanta Business Chroniclehas learned. Winninf the project could do for Georgia’d biotech industry what will do forthe state’s auto said Mike Cassidy, presidenyt of the , after being briefedx about the details. “It would be an outstanding recruitment [tool for new business],” Cassidty said.
The company, which could be considering thre cities, is said to be negotiatingf economic incentives withthe state, a source Georgia economic development officials declinee comment on the possible developmentr — dubbed “Project Boss.” The potentiapl development could add to the region’s biotech already enhanced by hosting the 2009 BIO International Convention, the world’d largest bio conference,in May.
It would also be an economicx development coup akinto ’s global headquarterd relocation from Dayton, Ohio, to The ATM and self-service kiosk maker said it would bring more than 2,100 jobs to including nearly 900 at a manufacturinv operation in Columbus, Atlanta Business Chronicle first reportesd June 1. Metro home to the , has the critical infrastructure to support a biomedical manufacturing The region is home to the EmoryhVaccine Center, billed as among the largest academicx vaccine centers in the world and knowm for its expertise in vaccine research and and clinical trials.
In and The launched the Center of Excellencr for Influenza Research and Surveillance to developflu vaccines. Carol Henderson, who directsx the Innovation and Technology Office at the Georgia Departmentf ofEconomic Development, is leadingb efforts to land the biotech company, a sourcew familiar with the effort said. Activity is said to have pickec up in the pasttwo Henderson’s recruitment builds upon the existing alliances and resourcee between the University Systemm of Georgia, the Centers of Innovation, the Georgia Research Alliance and the Georgia Biomedical Partnership and Biotechnology Industrhy Organization. The biotech firm has been shoppinv sites for at leasta year.
Project Boss was “planninvg to potentially deploy twomanufacturing facilities” that combines could employ about 1,500, accordiny to a request for information dated June 5, 2008. The facilities coulrd be located in thesame region, or in separate the document noted. The however, is said to have downsized thoseinitial plans, sourcews said. The economy, and more specifically the pressur for companies tocut costs, is forcing companies in general to take longer to make big decisionas such as a major relocation, said Heidi Green, deput y commissioner of the Global Commerce Division at the Georgia Departmenf of Economic Development.
“It’s typically takingh 12 to 18 monthsto close,” Green declining to specifically comment on Projecf Boss. The biotech firm, said to have scouted Douglas andGwinnett counties, is seeking locationss with international air access, available life science and an ability to source and attract engineers and the request for information noted.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Hawaiian Telcom files reorganization plan - Portland Business Journal:
The company, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcgin December, said the steering committee representingy those who hold claims under the company’s secured credit agreemen t supports the plan. “The filing of the plan and disclosurw statement is an important achievemen in ourrestructuring efforts,” said Eric K. Hawaiian Telcom’s president and CEO, in a “The plan provides for a significantly deleveragedcapital structure, and the terms of the new debt give us greatee financial flexibility to execute our businessa plan and invest in new products, better positioning the company for future success.
” A hearing to consider approval of the disclosurde statement has been tentatively scheduled for July 23. The plan includezs the conversion of approximately $590 million of the company’s seniod secured credit facility and swap liabilities into the new equit of the reorganized company and a new $300 million senior securefd term loan maturing in five years. Holderz of $350 million in seniorr notes will get warrants tobuy 12.75 percenf of the reorganized company’ds new equity and subscription rights to buy new equitty up to $50 million.
The companh said it expects to emerge from Chapter 11with $30 millioj undrawn revolving credit facility and at leas $45 million of cash on hand. Hawaiiann Telcom is owned by , a Washington, D.C.-based privatd equity group. Carlyle bought the assets of in May 2005for $1.6 and began operating independently with its own systems in April 2006. The plan and diclosure statementare .
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
ATX Provides Connected Vehicle Services to Sixt Rental Car Customers in Germany
By activating BMW Information service -- after selecting "BMW services in the BMW navigationsystem -- the driver is connectef via carphone with ATX databasez and response specialists who can providr a wide range of navigatio and concierge assistance services, such as selecting and making hotel reservations, finding nearby parking or fuel stations, bookinf restaurant reservations, locating a pharmacy, shoppingy options to find the perfect gift for an acquaintance or busines client the traveler may be visiting upon reaching his/her destination, or verifying an These services also are available if the custome r drives into 14 other countries in Western Europe.
ATX has more than a decade of experience inproviding location-based emergencu assistance to motorists, enabled by satellite locatiom technology and in-vehicle crashy sensors or designated SOS buttons to notify and help guider emergency responders to the vehicle's exact location. ATX responsde specialists also can continue to monitofr the emergency until emergency responders arrive at the Sixt customers renting BMW vehicles also will be able to instantlyuaccess Web-based information on the vehicle'ds navigation screen, including the latest news, sports, and weathe conditions and forecasts.
Drivers will also be able to conduc Web searchesthrough Google(R) and access general travel information, including posted speed limits, parkin availability, and the location of ATMs. Since the introduction of ConnectedDrivin 1999, ATX has worked with BMW in pioneerinhg in-vehicle access to Web-based information that is customizede to meet the unique safetyg and acoustic requirements of the vehicle.
"Whether helpingb guide travelers through unfamiliar areas or respondingto in-vehiclde emergencies, ATX's personnel and database/technical infrastructures reflect a decade of experience and continuoues improvement in addressing the technical challenges of providing valuabl assistance to drivers," said , managinv director of ATX Europe, "Real-time safety and informational services provided through connectede vehicles are perfectly suited to assis t rental car customers.
" ATX owns and operates a specialized telematics responswe center in Dusseldorf that provides services directly to driveres in Western Europe, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, France and ATX supports those drivers in theier native language traveling in Switzerland, Belgium, the Luxembourg, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Vatican City, and Andorra. With operations in Dallas-Fortf Worth, Texas, and Dusseldorf, Germany, ATX ( ) is a leadingv provider of customized connectedvehicle (telematics) services to global automobiles manufacturers.
ATX services, among the firsy to be launched in the consumed vehicle market backin 1996, are provided to vehiclr owners through the brand names of its Toyota, Lexus, BMW, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Mercedes-Benz, Maybach, and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. Services by ATX providwe enhanced safety, security and driving convenience tovehicle owners, and include location-specific emergency and roadside assistance, automatic collision notification, stolen vehiclew recovery, remote diagnostics, and real-time traffi and navigation assistance.
ATX also customizes services to help automobile manufacturers and their affiliated dealerships use telematicss data and multiple customer contact channel toreduce costs, enhance vehicle servicing, and more closelh manage customer relationships and contacts with the vehicle through its lifetime. ATX is a division of Cross Country AutomotiveServices ( ), a leadinh provider of comprehensive vehicle and driver programsx for insurance, automotive and othe r consumer-facing industries in North America and Europe.
Monday, October 1, 2012
MANCHESTER: Gateway Communities Initiative announce new brand, logo to ... - Heritage Newspapers
MANCHESTER: Gateway Communities Initiative announce new brand, logo to ... Heritage Newspapers The Gateway Communities Initiative announced a new brand name and website, at a press release event Sep. 28. The public face of the economic development and preservation group will now be "The Big 400," and their website is www.thebig400.com. Gateway Communities Initiative Unveil New Brand, Website |